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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Question Opinions on Ogre Scrap-Launchers

    Hi all,
    I've recently started a OK army, and am looking at army options. I have developed a battalion box into my core army, and now im looking to upgrade it into 2000pts.

    Talking with my local GW store manager, he recommended looking into going scrap-launcher heavy. I already have one, and i have done well with it so far (in 1000pt games). I have only had a couple of games, and it has won its points in both, but not been game-winning.

    I like the idea of maybe 3 of them, firing instant-death fun across the board, but i do want an army that is semi-competitive. (or at least as semi-competitive as Ogres can be at the moment. Lets be honest, they dont have "instant win" written over them)

    What do you think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Licking my Baals


    I think they look cool. That's my opinion. :-)

    Honestly, I think he wants you to run a lot because they are expensive to purchase, and his goal is to sell you products that make him money. I think running one or two is fine, but more than that might be overkill.

    JOhn M>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Kalamazoo, MI

    Default Ode to the Scraplauncher.

    Thoughts on the Scraplauncher (its one word btw):

    - S3 Large Blast template with Killing Blow? Awesome.
    - Being T5/S5 with impact hits and a decent amount of attacks? Awesome.
    - Being US5 and thus able to break ranks with a flank or rear charge? Awesome.
    - Being able to move and shoot each turn? Awesome.
    - Assembling the model? Not awesome.
    - Being a chariot that can blow up with one S7 wound? Not awesome.
    - Having to charge the nearest enemy unit if they are in range and you fail your Ld 5 test (crappy Frenzy)? Not awesome.
    - Being 165pt Special choice? Not awesome.
    - Being required to take more Gnoblars (and thus more Bulls) in order to take more units of them? Not awesome.
    - Rolling really bad on your scatter or misfire dice? Not awesome.

    So in summary -
    Yes Scraplaunchers are good but it depends on your opponent. Against Elves, Skaven, Bloodletters, or Humans they can be devastating. Anything with T3 troop blocks really.

    Having Killing Blow means you always have a chance to take out someone's Lord or Hero that is foolishly running around on their own. I've done it many times. That feeling is AMAZING.

    Of course you have to keep them away from anything that has S7 attacks, and one unit of crappy flyers or fast moving cav or skirmishers can really mess with them due to their crappy version of Frenzy.

    I've been playing one in every list over 2k since I managed to assemble the damn thing (hands down the worst model I have ever put together). I am thinking of adding another but I doubt I would ever go with 3 or 4 as that severely hampers (an already hampered with restrictions) any OK list build.

    I keep mine back and treat it mostly as a warmachine. If my opponent has S7 ranged attacks I try and hide it behind a hill or some woods and still get LoS for shots each turn. If need be I can bring it up to help support my Ogre units as it can be quite good in CC.

    Hope that helps! - A WHFB Gnoblog

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Calgary, Canada


    Randroid makes many good points.
    I always use 1 scraplauncher. But only 1. I think any more is too much. Its a pain to build, opponents warmachines will one shot it, and the darn OK restrictions basically ruins the rest of your army for you. IMO one is enough.

    But if you want to get really cheesy (for ogres), ask your local players if they mind you playing Rhinox Riders, they were featured in an old White Dwarf Chapter Approved after all. Oder 2 or 3 from forgeworld and ruin everyone elses day.

  5. #5


    I would deff go for rhinox riders over scrap launchers, the rules are pretty cool but a misfire can pretty much end them in the first turn, also Ive heard theyre one of the most difficult minis to assamble....

    good luck and kudos to you starting OK!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Kalamazoo, MI


    Rhinox Riders are great but they aren't official and many tourneys/events don't allow them. - A WHFB Gnoblog

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