Wasn't much activity here, so I figured I would toss this up. If you are on the fence or just unsure how to jump in, I started a few articles on my website, Dust-War.com, and had one recently featured here on BoLS to help people as well.

Check them out and if you have questions, feel free to ask me!

[url=http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2013/12/dust-warfare-revisited.html]BoLS Article[/url]
[url=http://dust-war.com/2013/12/recruit-depot-newbies-guide-to-dust-warfare/]Recruit Depot (Part 1)[/url]
[url=http://dust-war.com/2014/01/recruit-depot-newbies-guide-to-dust-warfare-part-2/]Recruit Depot (Part 2)[/url]
More to come soon!

Plus, if you are into Dust Warfare at all, be sure to peruse the website and forums.