Iyanden list was again altered, dropped the Avatar and one DA got again the dual Crimsons and an Autarch (just to modify the Reserves). Today we tried a regular mission, it was 2500p against the Grey Knights/Inqvisition. I was intimidated by the Force Weaponry and the 30" Jumps, and of course the two Dreadknights . Emperor´s Will was the mission, short table egde deployment, and GK went in first, it was nightfighting. This board had good line of sight blocking.


One Dred and the Interceptors closed the gap pretty fast, but were left short of impressive firing range, his Bastion with Quad Gun was far away, (inside Ordo Somedude plus a troop) on top 2 Jokaeros Gunsmiths(?), Coteaz and some cannonfodder. One Dread was left in the back to hold the backfield.

My turn begun and i jumped WG´s with Wraithcannons and a Spiritseer out of the WS and Battle Focused in range of the Dread. I huddled the other WG´s (D-Scythes) to protect Voitto (Wraithknight,Warlord) from the 2nd rounds assault. Farseer Guided Sisu (Wraithlord) and Prescienced Voitto (third power was Death mission ). I opened fire against the threat n. 1, the closer Dreadknight...FIRST BLOOD! Voitto+Sisu+WS+WS blasted the Interceptors and only two were left standing, nice turn...


Fast one from the GK, failed to bring in the 700p Terminator squad from the skies, and got in the basic Inqvisition troops in a Chaimera (moved to own objective). Interceptors jumped to deal with the WG´s with Wraithcannons. First they were blasted with Psychic blast and Conversion beamer(?) and only Spiritseer and two were alive. WS got two HP´s taken. Assault saw one WG go down, that´s it.

Eldar got in everything except the other set of three Walkers. Guess who forgot the "I´ve been expecting you-rule"? Yep, Walkers were destroyed by the Coteaz and boyz. Other flier went to fire on the Dread, other hiding behind the tall wall. Warp Spiders dropped close to the Dread and Battle Focused closer. Bikes turbo-boosted, zooming around in my deployment zone. WS with DA´s moved closer to the middle of the table (behind line of sight) . Crimson Hunter got one wound in and the Spiders + WS shooting his shield finished the other Dread.


In came the 700p of awfulness! Almost mishapping (1" short, darn it!) Terminators came in to my backfield, now his battle force was completely on the table. Chaimera popped smoke, Vindicare Assasin moved closer, Deadshotted the Warp Spider Exarch. Bastion did jack on this turn, but the Terminators...actually wiffed a bit! They killed only two of the D-Scything WG´s. Spiritseer/WG CC was a draw, no wounds. Vindicare killed one and Spiders caused one wound.

Walkers came in, i huddled them behind the Terminators (Not too close!I remember now!), Guided Voitto, failed Prescience(!) Moved another flier to take on the Quad Gun, other turned his attention to the Terminators. And attention they got, Crimson, WG´s D-Scythed, blasted Sisu´s BL´s, two WS Scatter+Shields, Voitto with two Heavy Wraithcannons, bikes AND the War Walkers
--> all gone, but Justicar (SO ANNOYING!!!) has a chance to rise on 4+ ON EVERY TURN...Got three wounds on the Quad, he threw 5,5 and a 6...saved! Spiders disposed the Vindicare, but lost one, Farseer went to help Spiritseer/WG CC...epic fail...lost the combat and got overrun... two Interceptors roaming free, one with a Heavy Flamer...yeah....


Interceptors got cozy, lined up the Jetbikes for the Heavy Flamer. Justicar didn´t get up! Basic troops got out of the Chaimera and the ride crept closer to Warp Spiders. One WS got wrecked on the top of the wall (Prescience + Perfect Timing + S10 weapons + no Serpent shield = bad mmmkay...) Two bikes got smoked and last one ran off the board. Crimson Hunter got dropped from the sky.

WG´s moved closer to the objective, but still in range for a D-Scythe the Interceptors. Voitto moved in to the back, Sisu moved closer the objective, in case Justicar gets up. Walkers moved towrds the middle in cover and the WS with the DA´s turbo boosted closer to the Bastion. Another WS moved to the top of the wall. Spiders jumped closer to the Chaimera and one was claimed by the Warp (morale held)! Another Crimson was dedicated to destroy the Quad Gun. And so it did, Quad Gun was finally laid down. Interceptors were send to the Warp by the D-Scythes. Warp Spiders destroyed the Chaimera and jumped further away, closer to cover. Serpent Shield killed couple of the basic troops, morale held.


Justicar popped up (DAMN!), other troop with Coteaz got out on the objective also. Psykers failed to cast the blast, Conversion Beamer scored a glancing hit to the WS in the middle. Justicar failed to kill anyone by shooting and tried to assault the WG´s, he got laid down, AGAIN.

Crimson moved to shoot the troops holding the objective, as did the WW´s. WS moved 6" closer and out came the DA´s. Warp Spiders ran out of sight, claiming the Line Breaker. Another WS moved closer. Shuffled Voitto and Sisu in to position, if/when Justicar cames back. Crimson+WS+WW´s+DA´s lit up the troop,killing all but two, no pinning and morale held...



Justicar popped up (DAMN DAMN!), last troop came out on the objective, the remaining two dudes moved closer to DA´s. DA´s were cut down, but it took EVERYTHING on his side (nice!) to do it. Justicar opted not to shoot and tried to assault the WG´s, he got laid down, AGAIN AGAIN.

Flew the Crimson off the table. Moved the WW´s in to better position and so did the two WS´s. Shot everything to the other troop unit and had it cut down to three plus Coteaz.



Justicar popped up (DAMN DAMN DAMN!), the two dudes ran on the objective, Coteaz and the boyz moved closer to the WS and killed it in CC. Justicar opted not to shoot and tried to assault the WG´s, he got laid down, AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN.

Crimson came in and killed the two dudes, WW´s and the WS killed three of the other troop and they ran off the board! Hardy handshake and a 5-0 win to the Eldar!!

Love the Iyanden supplement, four games two wins, two losses...who would have guessed, that the stock Wraithknight is the best option, when the codex came out?