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Thread: Wild West IG

  1. #1

    Default Wild West IG

    After a long and tiresome break from 40k (6-months due to work) I'm starting up a IG army but I've decided to have it be of Wild Western flavor. I've been thinking and figured some models are easily done (Rough Riders have no need to be even converted) but a lot of the other squads are going to be tougher. Any good ideas on what models I could use to have a good wild-west look?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Northampton, England


    - Use hats, d00d.
    - Pistoliers can be used to convert up stuff like sergeants I guess
    - Steam Tanks/old fashioned tanks to make up trails.

    Other than that, my Britishness fails to see what can be done.

  3. #3


    Unfortunately, nothing from GW really fits the wild west look. Jeans and cowboy hats apparently didn't make it the the 40th millennium. Western mini's aren't even very common among other miniature companies.

    Your best bet would be to break out the green stuff and start sculpting parts, if not entire miniatures. Make some molds and start casting.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Vancouver, B.C.


    Try black scorpion miniatures

  5. #5


    Foundry miniatures has a very large selection of Wild West style miniatures from sheriffs to banditos, undertakers to injuns.

    You can find all of them here: [url][/url]


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    wasnt there some western catchacans in the 4th ed rulebook under kill-team and in the last chancers?

    what about western steampunk
    for the foot sloggers a greatcoat and hat could be cool
    tanks could be like the maccrage land train (GW website) or walkers?

    please post piccis
    visit my blog: I do cheap commsion work
    And COME TO BOLSCON UK and yell about my font!

  7. #7


    How about a 7th Cavalry theme?
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    29 Palms CA


    i've seen neat things done with the bretonnian archers and men-at-arms along a WWI theme. Were you to forego the head and WWI style helmet the bodies could easily resemble duster-clad frontiersmen. Also green stuff would be invaluable for hats or headgear. I like the 7th cav idea too, you could really have fun with civil war era themes as well. In that regard a mordian or two could be turned into something cool in a pinch!

  9. #9


    Here's an idea if you don't mind using non-GW (but still GW influenced). The Perry twins have a series of 28mm plastic civil war miniatures that I've thought of using myself (with a little mods and adding 40K weapons) as part of a guard army. They're at [URL=""][/URL].
    I'm thinking it'd probably turn out more like Daleks playing Quiddich. "It is the Potter!! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! " (someone I know on twitter)

  10. #10


    Awesome, I figured regardless of the models I use a hefty amount of green stuff will be required. I'm gonna need a assembly line of cowboy-hats being made to keep up the demand for all of the guardsmen.

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