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  1. #1

    Default [1500/1850/2000pts] Scaled Mech Guard Lists

    So here are my 3 "final" (subject to change LOL) drafts of my Mech Guard Lists.


    1. Company Command Squad
    x3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Multilaser, Heavy Flamer
    1. Vet Squad
    x3 Meltaguns, Demolitions, Chimera w/ Multilaser, Heavy Flamer
    2. Vet Squad
    x3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Multilaser, Heavy Flamer
    3. Vet Squad
    x3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Multilaser, Heavy Flamer
    4. Vet Squad
    x3 Flamers
    5. Vet Squad
    x3 Flamers
    Fast Attacks
    1. Valkyrie
    Multiple Rocket Pod
    2. Vendetta
    3. Vendetta

    Heavy Support
    1. Hydra
    Heavy Bolter
    2. Hydra
    Heavy Bolter
    3. Manticore

    So that is 10 vehicles and 5 scoring unit. Add in the tons of firepower and I personally feel that this is a powerful list that covers all the bases!


    1. Company Command Squad
    x4 Meltaguns, Astropath, Chimera w/ Multilaser, Heavy Flamer
    1. Vet Squad
    x3 Meltaguns, Demolitions, Chimera w/ Multilaser, Heavy Flamer
    2. Vet Squad
    x3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Multilaser, Heavy Flamer
    3. Vet Squad
    x3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Multilaser, Heavy Flamer
    4. Vet Squad
    x3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Multilaser, Heavy Flamer
    5. Vet Squad
    x3 Flamers
    6. Vet Squad
    x3 Flamers
    1. Psyker Battle Squad
    x8 Psykers, Chimera w/ Multilaser, Heavy Flamer
    Fast Attacks
    1. Valkyrie
    Multiple Rocket Pod
    2. Vendetta
    3. Vendetta

    Heavy Support
    1. Hydra
    Heavy Bolter
    2. Hydra
    Heavy Bolter
    3. Manticore

    Basically like the 1500pt list but with more vehicles and a Psyker Battle Squad (WTF?).

    The 2000pt list is the 1850 one with either 2 more Hydras or a Medusa w/ enclosed crew compartment.

    Comments on the lists are welcome!
    Got a question about Tyranids PM me
    I will do what I can to help.

  2. #2


    Just an observation (I haven't even played with my IG yet, so I can't offer a constructive critique of the effectiveness of the lists) But there's lots of heat based weaponry; flamers and Meltas. It'd be an interesting theme to model your force around, utilising flame-red camo and the like, maybe generating ideas for their homeworld and the regment's name. Something to do with dragons, since you have lots of flame and fire and even Hydras! That'd be cool. Well, boiling hot...

    And everyone says Meltas are the new awesome, and flamres are something you can't go wrong with. I really wanted to include hydras in my list, and Valks and vendettas are generally considered, from what I can garner, to be versatlie and very cost effective for what they do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Frisco, TX


    I like it, it's got lots of long range death, up close death, and plenty of armor.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Canton, Ohio


    I mean it looks good... but I hope your friends play like you do

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