Lord with Mark of Tzeentch; Collar of Khorne, Sword of Might, Chaos Runeshield, Favor of the gods; Word of Agony; on Chaos Dragon

Level 1 Sorceror with Mark of Tzeentch; Dispel Scroll, Golden Eye of Tzeentch; on Disc of Tzeentch

Level 1 Sorceror with Mark of Tzeentch; Dispel Scroll, Enchanted shield, Biting Blade; on Disc of Tzeentch

Two units of 5 Chaos Warhounds

Three units of 5 Marauder Horsemen with Light Armour, Flails, Javelins, and Musicians

Two units of 6 Chaos Knights with Musicians and Standard Bearers: One with the War Banner; other with Banner of Wrath

Two Chaos Chariots with Mark of Slaanesh

2250 on the nose. 10 deploys, 4 PD + 1 bound; 4 DD + 2 scrolls.

Dogs and Horsemen set up bait & flees, harrasing with javelin fire, and potential charges with flails. Dragon Lord heads for the nearest enemy character and kills him in challenge, using word of agony to kill champions to prevent escape. With Favor, his EoG buff should make him even more killy. Wizards each throw two dice at flickering fire, along with Banner of Wrath hopefully turning two lvl 1 wizards in to a passable magic phase. They should also hopefully be able to deal with enemy war machine crew.