Quote Originally Posted by Mr Mystery View Post
Again, you don't know EU law. Why do you think J K Rowling made mega bucks from the Harry Potter films? According to you, she has no right to it, or indeed any non-book interpretation of her books because they aren't books. And you'd be wrong.

Here in the EU, I automatically own all possible versions of my work. Anything I create belongs to me, unless under contract to another at the time I create it. Whether model, sketch, movie, doodle, as soon as I bag it and tag it as mine, its all mine. Where do you think the term 'all rights reserved' comes from?
I believe I stated further back up that I don't know the laws in France. I made statements based on how our laws work in the United States. Since this seems to be entirely within the European Union, I do defer that I haven't the slightest notion of all your ins and outs. I know how it would come out in the United States. I also think the company in question should get legal advice and see where they stand, pro bono being best. For all we know (and we don't) they have dated conceptual art going back ten years.