I saw this over at DeviantArt. Don't know who the girl is. Don't know who the artist is. I have no personal connection to these people in any way. I just saw it and thought, "DANG!!"
It's just way too awesome not to share ... although not quite work friendly enough to post the image directly.
The image is [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/203/2/a/dark_elf__witch_by_i_tavaron_i-d41ae7z.jpg]>>here<<[/url].
The actual DeviantArt page that holds the image is [url=http://i-tavaron-i.deviantart.com/art/Dark-Elf-Witch-244029311]>>here<<[/url].
I don't like to post DeviantArt pages directly without the disclaimer that DeviantArt pages contain ads, and sometimes those ads don't always "play well with others" if you know what I mean. Direct links to images though should be fine.