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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Cloudsdale, Equestria.


    Can someone translate this to a metaphor from a proper sport that's played outside north america for the rest of us to understand?
    Last edited by Psychosplodge; 07-23-2012 at 01:53 AM.

    However the process of robo-insemination is far too complex for the human mind!
    A knee high fence, my one weakness

  2. #52
    Occuli Imperator
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    It's like Paul Foster saying you can touch the jack
    Fan of Fuggles | Derailment of the Wolfpack of Horsemen | In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Cloudsdale, Equestria.


    Ah right. cheers.

    However the process of robo-insemination is far too complex for the human mind!
    A knee high fence, my one weakness

  4. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by wittdooley View Post

    But seriously Nutsy, the fact that you claim the age of an article doesn't matter sorta invalidates anything you say. In technology, the age of your data is everything.
    It really depends on the technology. In terms of consoles, four year old data is still quite relevant because we still have four year old consoles being sold. Some articles are still universal, regardless of age. Some, not so much.

    In term of app purchases: you realize that there being only one marketplace has nothing to do with it, right? Literally nothing. It has to do with the purchasing trends of the user, which again, people have proven that iOS users spend more, attributing the lack of Droid purchases to the fact that their users won't pay for it because it "should be free.".
    Of course iOS users spend more. I'm not saying they don't. Higher prices, plus a captured market gives you... more spending.

    An iPad when it came out cost about 700 dollars. a comparable android tablet usually sells for roughly 450. we could also consider that more spending on Apple's side. See what I mean? It's a bit of a lopsided argument.

    the "should be free" argument that you see has always been something that I find to be a bit of a bonkers position. If the app is good enough, it should have a fee attached, right?
    Last edited by Uncle Nutsy; 07-23-2012 at 08:46 PM.

  5. #55


    Still no droid codexes I see. Shame GW never went down the HTML5 / renting access route.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Tetsugaku View Post
    Still no droid codexes I see. Shame GW never went down the HTML5 / renting access route.
    I think that GW did what they did because Apple presents an appealing package (editor, control, large target audience, some anti-piracy, etc). I don't expect phone factor versions (iOS nor Android) at all. If anything I would expect an Amazon version for their book store. Heck it would even work for iOS (and loose me as a customer. See, you can't please everyone!). For that to happen Amazon must present a package appealing enough and I don't think that is the case (poor deal for publishers, afaik a less attractive technical solution).

    I fell for you guys. Not being able to buy a digital media product for some reason that feels arbitrary (doesn't matter if it isn't) just sucks and more often than not piracy is the outcome.

    If anyone wants to feel better about this, the hard copies are still a better choice by far.

  7. #57


    Just a quick FYI that I thought of GW's current approach years ago and everyone here said I was wrong

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