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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default 1500pt DE list for tournament in 7 days! Help?

    The tournament is next saturday the 21st.

    So, a bit of back story. I moved up to a new town. In my old gaming area the games were played at 1850, this is the number for all the major tournament events that anyone would go to and was deemed quite "standard". Here, the point values vary from 1000-1700pts or so. It seems that 1500pts is the most common, and now that Astronomicon - Toronto is on the horizon people are gearing up to go to that event (at least a few that I have spoken to). Hence this tournament is 1500pts. I love the fact that it will be a 4 round tournament as I feel that you need at least 4 rounds to really get a good pool of winners for the top spots, this also allows for that one bad game and you can work your way back up. Anyhow, the original list that I was thinking about was this one: [url=][/url] I played this list out once against my brother and although I did rather well I missed my archon. It also bleeds a lot of kill points, I was humming and hawing on what to keep or remove untill I came up with this particular breed of the list:

    Archon with goodies (agonizer shadow field, combat drugs, phantasm) - 145pts
    Heamy with liquifier - 60pts

    4 Incubi Venom as above - 153pts

    8 Wyches as above in raider with aethersails - 211pts

    5 Warriors in venom 125

    5 warriors in raider with ff - 130pts

    3 wracks in venom - 95pts

    6 reaver jetbikes - 166pts

    2 ravagers - 250 (night and flicker)

    Razorwing dissies, cannon upgrade, ff

    I then had another game with this list here: [url=][/url]

    Now if you have been following me so far, this last game showed me a few things about my list that (even tho the mission was stacked against me) stood out... so I hummed and hawed again, I took a better look at the models that I have available in my collection and came up with this list, I am 2 points under so I am wondering what I could tweak to get those last points used.

    Archon, Shadow Field, Agonizer, Combat Drugs, Pistol, Phantasm Launcher - 145

    5 Incubi in Raider with FF, trophies - 185

    8 Wyches Hek with agon, HWG's Raider with FF, trophies - 201

    8 Wyches Hek with agon, HWG's Raider with FF, trophies - 201

    5 warriors blaster, venom dual cannon - 125

    5 warriors blaster, venom dual cannon - 125

    3 RJB HL - 78
    3 RJB HL - 78
    5 Scourge 2 Haywire Launchers - 130

    Ravager 3 lances FF - 115

    Ravager 3 lances FF - 115

    1498pts total.

    If you have gone through all the steps then you will have reached the end of this thread and I greatly appreciate it. Now, what do you think? I know the local meta is not known to be uber "competitive" but I think this list will fare well. I have a decent number of anti tank weapons as well as some good anti infantry, now I did loose the power of the razorwing but I think the scourge will make up for it (at least I hope) and they are cheaper. So we will see.

    Thanks a lot for reading and your comments are greatly appreciated.

    Cheers! Twitter: @Skari2 Youtube Channel: Skared Cast

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Drop an incubi.

    Add 2 wyches.

    Bam turkey done. Twitter: @Skari2 Youtube Channel: Skared Cast

  3. #3


    um.. am i the only one seeing this? because I just saw the OP just give himself tournament advice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    just noting a change on the list. Twitter: @Skari2 Youtube Channel: Skared Cast

  5. #5


    why jetbikes and not more venoms . and if jet bikes then why 6 . 6 is kind of a big group hard to hide and support roles would be done better by other units.

    also ether sails realy ?

    that is list 1

    list 2 scourges ? why without baron to support[aka give a big unit of helions as other target] them with helions they are very big models which kind of a cost a lot for 2 hvy weapons . true born and another venom would probably do better[why no trueborn ,is it a composition thing ?].

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Thanks for the comments.

    To answer your questions:
    List 1 is not one I am taking, it was the first development of the list. As for why I made the choices, the sails are quite nice when trying to get into position, especially from reserve. And the 6 jetbikes work well as a group when they have the champion with them to prevent them from fleeing.

    As for list 2:
    I ran the baron for a year since the new book came out, him and his hellions, were very effective for me. Now I try something else to encourage me to paint more and to learn different units. I put the trueborn in for larger games, I just love the Incubi and my archon, well painted, and they do better that the blasters when smashing tactical squads in cc, they mop the floor with regular marines, and that is what they are there for as people love their marines.

    Cheers! Twitter: @Skari2 Youtube Channel: Skared Cast

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