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  1. #1

    Default Slogg it or ride da trukk?

    So I've got a tourny coming up and I'm trying to decide if I should mob up and take a horde list. Or stand by my tried and true speed freakz. So it's 1500 pts, and as eveyone knows troops are the backbone of his game. But looking at my boyz, for a horde list I could only pull off about 2 and a half full squads of boyz. Maybe 3. So that there is 90 orks in 3 squads plus some grotz for good measure. But if I use speed freaks I could take a full troop allouance of boyz in seperat squads doing seperate jobs. Granted they are substantially smaller in size though. I'll also be takeing 6 killakanz, lootaz, komanndos too. So anyway, input anyone?

  2. #2


    I'd go in da trukks. You'de be able to grab objectives easier and not have a large squad sit on an objective.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Virginia Beach


    I would suggest putting your slugga/choppa boyz and Nobz in trukks to get them into combat quick. Then have squads of at least 20+ shoota boyz moving up with the Kanz and pouring fire into your enemy. Use your Kommandos to take out any hidden artillery and/or to support your assault units.

    I also find Deffkoptas and bikes worth it if you can squeeze them in.

    I would also suggest taking a squad of 20 'ard boyz in a battlewagon, quipped with a deffrolla and ball, then plow through your enemy to soften them up....everyone else rides in trukks. The koptas are great from bombing devastator squads...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Frisco, TX


    Gotta go mech, footslogging is terrible with Orks.

    Trukks alone aren't going to cut it either, you need Battlewagons and a KFF to protect them all.

  5. #5


    It's cute when people think that foot slogging anything works in 5th. Trukks are so barely adequate as a vehicle that it's a joke, but since they're all the orks have en-masse I guess you're stuck.

  6. #6


    I wanted to footslogging cuz of the sheer mass of the green tide moving in. But yea I've only played mech with orks before since the Armageddon Codex. So thats where I'll stay. I think I'll be looking at similar to thralkhan's suggestions, 3 squads of Slugga boyz in da trukks with a mob of 30 shoota boyz. 6 Killakanz with Kustom Mega blastas. Kommandos with Snikrot and burnas, around 19 ard boyz in a battle wagon with my warboss. 30 grotz for kicks and maybe some koptas depending on points i have left. Last I gotta decide if I want a Mek with a KFF or a SAG, the shokk attk gun rocks,either kills all 5 termies under the template or teleports me into a squad of Nid warriors -_-" definitely a good laugh

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    Trukks protect you from templates (at least until they blow up). It helps keep the enemy from driving up and hitting you with a couple flamers, at least for a while. I'd go with the trukks. You can get 4 full squads in trukks for about the same price as 3 30 boy squads.

  8. #8


    I kinda like the idea of a mix of the two but if you throw 2 units of trukk boyz at a unit it should work just as great in CC as a foot slogging horde... So yeah mount up da boyz!!!

    Good luck in the tourny!

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