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  1. #1

    Default The 10 Types of Games

    I made a video about the 10 types of I have come across when playing 40k, or anything related to Wargaming. I generally make videos and tactica guides for Tyranids in a set of videos called "Talking About Tyranids. Most of which I need to redo when our new codex hits.


    So what did you think of the video? Does it explain most games? This link should work. Anyway, I don't post often on forums, mainly because I'm an admin on The Tyranid Hive, thus not having a large amount of time to go on other forums.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Vancouver, BC


    yeah, that pretty much covers it all, and i found it entertaining to listen to.
    the link did work, jus' soes yous noes
    I reject your reality and replace it with my own.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Segmentum Pacificus



    gave you video a watch (listen?) and I gotta say it didn't bring much to the table. Frankly, top 10 lists being an internet clique is in itself an internet clique.

    Personally, I don't think the medium of audio is serving you well. I'm not a 'nid player but if your Talking About Tyranids were print articles instead of audio I'd probably go through them all. [URL=""]The Medium is the Message[/URL] and all that.

    The one man podcast is tough unless you've got really indepth or complex topics to talk about ([URL=""]Dan Carlin's Hardcore History[/URL] is the best example I can think of).

    More conversational style is where I think podcasts really shine. If you can gather a couple of others around and shoot the **** about tactica, having regular topics like "this week in games", "Rumor Mill" or special features on running campaigns or unconventional game typles (40k by email or something).

    That being said, good on you for putting something like this out at all. Its harder to create than dissect. These are just my opinions, nothing personal.
    Last edited by DevilUknow; 09-13-2009 at 08:22 PM.

  4. #4


    Well, Originally I wrote some articles, as did a bunch of other Tyranid players. Some people had interest, and it didn't really stand out. Quite a few players I know don't want to bother sitting there digging up articles and guides and reading through them. The thing is, you can watch the 30 or so of the "Talking About Tyranid" videos and understand quite a bit in the 2 or so hours for all of them. Instead of reading forums for hours on end digging around. I also have most of my videos redirecting people to forum topics and such, as well as promote the Tyranid Hive.

    Some people learn understands better if people hear it outloud. Some people learn better if they read. Some people learn by playing the game. I learned most of my knowledge from a combination of reading forums, listening to a few podcasts, and playing a good hundred or so games.

    ---- I would try and start a Podcast, but then again I'm pretty sure that costs quite a bit of money. I'll read up on it more. Thanks for the feedback

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