Hey everyone! It's Dont-Be-haten again with a little 1750 point army I'm going to be starting out with using the models from the Island of Blood and High Elf Battalion battle chests, (with a few other changes remember this is just for fun!) It is subject to change, this is just what I have assembled already and working towards painting. I think its a good little Army to learn with.

Prince Ryvvik on Gyzarus (Griffon): General (for now)
Lance, Armor of Fortune, Griffon = 348

Tytharius the Adept: Lore of High Magic (for now)
Lvl 2 Mage, Channel Staff, Ironcurse Icon = 155

Caledhel of the Sigil: Battle Standard Bearer
Armor of Caledor, Amulet of Light, Great Weapon = 158

Galleon's Silver Spears:
Spearmen, Units 36 set up 6 x 6 with full command = 456

Anara's Long Bows:
Archers, Units 10 set up 5 x 2 with Musician = 121

Thygaron's Long Bows:
Archers, Units 10 set up 5 x 2 with Musician = 121

Arithus' Reaper Blades:
Sword Masters of Hoeth, Units 10 set up 5 x 2 with full command
equiped with Banner of Eternal Flame = 200

Drath'aron's Reavers:
Ellyarian Reavers, units 5 set up 5 x1 with Spears and Bows and Harbringer = 186

Ryvvik's Eagle Claw
Repeater Bolt Thrower = 100

total point count = 1745/1750

I know its core heavy, and I should probably add the LSG and Chariot, and I definitely need a musician in the Ellyarian Reavers but Its just something that I'll look to improve upon when I get more models painted/get my hands on some phoenix guard and a 2nd chariot. Thanks for checking it out and C&C always welcome!