So my wife (The WarGame Wife) has decided upon going to GenCon that she enjoys Malifaux. A lot. So much that she asks to play it. Which is awesome. In light of this fact, I've begun working on some display boards with insets for the Malifaux factions we have. First up is going to be the Ortegas, followed by Colette and then Sonnia Criid.
The Ortega's base is going to be from within their compound, next to a storage barn and the captured Neverborn pens. Definitely going to keep it Western-y. Here's an introductory picture:
[url=]ortegas[/url] by [url=]wittdooley[/url], on Flickr
As you can see, I've cut out the holes for the figures to go into, built the fence for the Neverborn enclosure, and constructed the barn. I also threw some introductory ballast on the board, but that isn't reflected in this picture. Up next is adding Cacti and a few other bitz of appropriate scenery.
If you have any questions about any part of it, Please ask. Also, for you Malifaux blokes out there, I'm soliciting Ideas for the Sonnia Criid base; I can't decide what theme for the display board would be appropriate for her character. Colette's will be a stage, obviously