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  1. #11


    I'd say reduce your collection, but not liquidate it. Sell the Tau or the CSM, but not both. Use the money to get into warmachine, but still have a army on hand for if 40k if need be.

    That's my suggestion anyway.
    Last edited by Lockark; 07-26-2011 at 06:15 AM.
    Warhammer 40k = Emperor's Children(CSM) and Orks.
    Brush Fire: Historia Rodentia= Aquitar, Vandalands, and Ribenguo.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    IA, USA


    I was very close to doing this a few weeks ago...and my wife made a very valid point: but you already own the stuff, at worst it'll sit in your closet for 3 years - then you sell it.

    I would say just wait. If you hold on to it you lose nothing. If you sell and regret it...well you're out quite a bit!

    I'd sold a few things that I don't intent to build or paint, and even a few armies have gone, but I"m still hanging on to a few armies - mainly cause I've already bought them - they are painted, and I still like the models...and I might, just might get back into painting/playing with them some day.
    DWs: Prussains. KoW: Elves WM: Khador WHFB: Dwarves WH40: IG, SM
    Games-workshop: changing the rules one new codex/army book at a time.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Dallas, Tx


    Offhand I'd say no. Everyone has covered all the salient points for the most part. The info under your avatar says you live in Texas. Assuming you live in one of the bigger towns/cities, have you considered going to another game store? Breaking up is hard to do, but if your odds of getting a game in at that current store are 0 then maybe you can head across town. Doesn't mean that you can't go hang out there and still BS around.

    Also, don't sell your terrain. If there's even the slightest glimmer that you could play again and/or play a different system (be it Warhammer Fantasy/WarmaHordes/FoW/etc.) it will be useful again.
    Why is it the bad guys are always more interesting?

  4. #14


    I just realized something I goof'd in my reply.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lockark View Post
    I'd say reduce your collection, but not liquidate it. Sell the Tau or the CSM, but not both. Use the money to get into warmachine, but still have a army on hand for if 40k if need be.

    That's my suggestion anyway.

    I miss read his OP and thought he was considering getting into War-machine. If no other game system interests you, you might as well keep your collection. With two armies and terrain collection, you could see about starting a private gaming club.

    Quote Originally Posted by Atrocity View Post
    Offhand I'd say no. Everyone has covered all the salient points for the most part. The info under your avatar says you live in Texas. Assuming you live in one of the bigger towns/cities, have you considered going to another game store? Breaking up is hard to do, but if your odds of getting a game in at that current store are 0 then maybe you can head across town. Doesn't mean that you can't go hang out there and still BS around.

    That is probably the best suggestion in all honesty.
    Warhammer 40k = Emperor's Children(CSM) and Orks.
    Brush Fire: Historia Rodentia= Aquitar, Vandalands, and Ribenguo.

  5. #15
    The Dark Mechanic
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Satellite of Love, MD


    Should I sell my Warhammer and get out?
    Absolutely, you should do whatever a bunch of strangers on the Internet tell you to do with your expensive model collection. And why stop there?
    See my latest eBay auctions at

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Waco, TX


    Thanks everyone (except Brass Scorpion ) for your replies. I'll hold on to them as I'm not hard up for money and maybe I can save the warhammer over here. You've all saved me from something I would probable regret.

    Has anyone else dealt with a decline in people to game with and if so how did you get them interested again or do you just have to wait?
    When you do something right people wont be sure that you've done anything at all.

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by JxKxR View Post
    Has anyone else dealt with a decline in people to game with and if so how did you get them interested again or do you just have to wait?
    The death of whfb was a shot in the arm to the 40k group here, but it's still smaller then it was a year ago. I dealt with it by demo'ing wm/h to the whfb/40k crowd and running a battle box tournament, others did the same for FoW, Infinity, and Malifaux.

    All in all, despite it being a smaller group and marine-on-marine most of the time, I think the 40k players are happier now because there are fewer regulars not having enough fun. I myself play 40k about once every two months now and really enjoy it. Most of my gaming time is spent with wm/h or malifaux and I think that is why I still enjoy 40k at all anymore. I found playing different systems was much better then playing different armies in the same system for my over all enjoyment level of the hobby.

    My point is, some of them may or may not return to 40k as their main game, but I'd wager many of them will still fancy a game of it every so often, perhaps 40k being their secondary game. Make it known you are still interested and eager. I bet, once the "new game honeymoon" phase has worn off there will be interest again.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Cheney, Washington, USA


    Yeah, if you don't need the money, and people are just switching to another game, I would just keep the army were i you. gamers are a fickle folk and will flit back and fourth to anything that is new or neat, especially if there is some ire with the current system. eventually they will remember what they loved about 40k and come back, at least there is a good chance of it.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by laestli View Post
    The death of whfb was a shot in the arm to the 40k group here, but it's still smaller then it was a year ago. I dealt with it by demo'ing wm/h to the whfb/40k crowd and running a battle box tournament, others did the same for FoW, Infinity, and Malifaux.
    Death of WHFB?


    WHFB is better than its ever been...

    To quote the great Mark Twain... methinks, "the reports of [WHFB's] death have been greatly exaggerated."

  10. #20


    Has anyone else dealt with a decline in people to game with and if so how did you get them interested again or do you just have to wait?
    I'll bite on this one.

    I started playing in 1990. A few friends got some old RTB01 marines from someone's older brother, and before long we were all playing. We would play at a few friends houses. The only models I had were hand-me-downs that other people gave me that had been repainted several times, as my family had very little money. The local hobby store carried a limited selection, and had no gaming space. 2nd Edition came along, and I got a starter set and a few other things: my first real, complete, army. By 1994 all my friends were out of it, and with no local players, I stuck everything under my bed and mostly forgot about it.

    In 1996 I was walking down the street in a neighboring town and spotted the unmistakeable Imperial Eagle of the 2nd Edition logo shining from the back room of a store across the street. I went in, walked out with a shiny new Space Marine Apothecary, and headed straight home to dig my stuff out from under the bed. I had found my first FLGS. I entered tournaments and leagues, and had a ton of fun. By the end of 1998 the store had moved to a new location, and 40K was all but dead there, as 2nd Edition had grown stale. I still went for other games, but played no 40K for 8 months until a preorder sheet for 3rd Edition appeared on the counter.

    By mid 1999, 3rd Edition was in full swing, and I had assembled a shiny new army, worked my painting skills up a few notches, and was running leagues and events at the store. It was a new Golden Age of Gaming in our area, but not not all was to last: the store went through a series of management and ownership changes, and the dynamic changed, leading me to a major life decision.

    In 2000, I left the friendly confines of my gaming group, and went to work for GW. My personal hobby skills increased quickly, and I played much more than I ever had, but back home, the hobby slowly died in my old area, and the local stores closed.

    In 2004, I quit GW burnt-out from the hobby, and stuck most of my many armies in my mom's basement and the rest in a spare closet in my apartment and moved on with life.

    In 2008, I reconnected with an old friend, and we decided to break out our old armies and play a few games. This got us both into the hobby again, but our time at this stage was limited. Both of us were getting engaged, moving, getting married, etc.

    A few weeks ago I stepped into a gaming store near my old town and played a game. One of the younger players who had participated in my leagues 10 years before was running the GW gaming at a store that has finally built an established player base, and carries a good selection of GW stuff.

    More than 21 years later, I still have an old model from my first year in the hobby in one of my armies. I've gone through good times and bad in my GW hobby career, but in the end I loved it enough that it has stuck with me, and not always when I expected it to. It is what you make of it, and the time you put into it. There are battlefields out there somewhere, just waiting to be found if you really want to be on them...

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