This is the long awaited rematch of nids vs daemons. To be honest I had to proxy since I still don't have my army yet. My daemons is still in New Orleans and the nid player wanted revenge from last game. My list has changed while his list remained the same.

This time he plans on fielding all his nids on the board and try to keep them together. He wanted to know my plans and I told him I'll tell him after the game. But I told him that the swarm lord will be targeted this time.

I'm trying something new this time. I'll add pieces of the report by sections instead of all at once. I have limiting factors like doing the report on an android which is a pain to do. Also this would allow me to hopefully write better reports but will take longer for me to put out. I've found I can run out of space and I might have to re post which can be a bother. So I'm going to double post as a space saver in case my report gets kind of long.

Anyway here is our army list.

Swarm of Asgard
HQ – Ragnarok ( Swarmlord )

TROOPS – Tervigon
Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst

TROOPS – Tervigon
Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst

TROOPS – (20) Termagants

TROOPS – (20) Termagants

TROOPS – (10) Genestealers

TROOPS – (10) Genestealers


HEAVY – Trigon Prime
Adrenal Glands

HEAVY – Trigon Prime
Adrenal Glands

HEAVY – Trigon Prime
Adrenal Glands


Warpath's Mercenaries ( Daemons )
HQ – Warpath (Skarband)

HQ – Fateweaver


ELITES – (4) Bloodcrushers
Icon, Instrument, Rending

ELITES – (3) Flamers of Tzeentch

ELITES – (3) Flamers of Tzeentch


TROOPS – (4) Horrors/ (1) Changeling

TROOPS – (5) Horrors

TROOPS – (10) Daemonettes


FAST ATTACK – (10) Seekers


HEAVY – Prince of Tzeentch
Bolt, Gaze

HEAVY – Prince of Tzeentch
Bolt, Gaze

HEAVY – Soulgrinder



We had a fellow gamer set up terrain. He put a big 3 story building in the center of the table. He than place small 2-3 story buildings in each corner and than place some woods in the left and right side center of the board near the short table edges. I'm not complain since 7 pieces of terrain is modest and the deployment zones center don't have terrain works for me. But it does force me to not ds on the sides a bit less.

MISSION: Seize Ground

I think this mission benefits the Daemons since I can ds. There is only two objectives which really helps me out a lot. With such a low troop count 5 objectives would be hard for me to deal with. Also the fact I tabled that army before kinda puts the objective getting in prospective.

The nid player don't like the mission since he have to leave troops there to baby sit the objective on his side. I'm hoping this will take a tervigon out of the main battle.

DEPLOYMENT: Pitched Battle

Standard objective which is fine for him. I was hoping for spearhead cause that deployment IMO is the best deployment a daemon player can get.

We place objectives. He places his on my far left corner in the building in his deployment zone. I place my objective dead center on the board edge in my zone. Some argument about me placing the objective in terrain occurred. But you don't have to so it stayed. I told him don't get mad that your genestealers can't outflank and take it in one turn.

Die Off:
The Tyranids wins and decide to go and deploy first.
Daemons don't still the initiative.

Mission Thoughts and Strategies :

The nid player deployed everything this time. He was going to outflank but changed his mind due to objective placement. He decided to place a tervigon near his objective. Ragnarok and his mcs formed a line in the middle with 2 trigons on on side and his tervigon and other trigon on the other side of Ragnarok. In front of the MC line was 40 gaunts and behind them was 20 genestealers. Looks like he will move his whole army towards my objective leaving a tervigon to stay at his objective.

I think in this game it will be best to get my shooters out first. With him going first I plan to gun down his tervigon that's sitting by itself. Hopefully by killing his lone creature would cause the nid player to double back while I sit on my objective and catch him in between my shooters and melee. I think bringing celebrate might hurt me. But since most of his stuff re roll hits anyway I doubt it will benefit him much anyway.

1-2. 4-6. Daemon first turn force
Warpath. Fateweaver
Bloodcrushers. Flamers
Daemonettes. Flamers
Seekers. Pink Tzeentch Prince
Soulgrinder. Blue Tzeentch Prince
Horrors. Horrors with Changeling

If 1-2 is rolled I'll still go with the same plan. Which would be more helpful since it would be harder for his army to double back.

== Asgard TURN ONE ==
First thing he does first is spawn more nids. The objective holding Tervigon spawns 10 more on the objective while the other tervigon spawns and moves his gaunts in front of Ragnarok. The rest of his army splits into 4 forces. Force 1 which is my left flank is 20 gaunts, 10 stealer's, tervigon, trigon moving on the left side of the building in the middle. Force 2 is the 11 gaunts and Ragnarok heading strait into terrain with the gaunts in it. Force 3 is the 2 trigons, 20 gaunts, 10 stealer's. Force 4 is the tervigon sitting back with 10 gaunts.

Both gaunt squads that was spawned received feel no pain. The swarmlord.gets preferred enemy.

== Warpath TURN ONE ==

I roll a 3 and my shooters come in. I have my 2 squads of flamers land by the tervigon angled to where they can hit some gaunts as well. The first flame squad scatted 4 inches toward the center of the board parallel with the long edge. The other squad scattered over it's head and on the other side by 11 inches really close to the gaunts and terrain. Fateweaver deviates by force 1. Pink and Blue prince hit dead on near the trees by fateweaver. Changeling squad hits dead on by flamers.

My combined fire power from the 2 squads of flamers, blue prince, and fateweaver killed the tervigon which inflicted 9 wounds on the gaunts but only killing two. My horror squad manged to kill 1 gaunt. Man this guy is making some saves. 4+ and feel no pain is making it hard to kill these guys. Blue Prince thanks to gaze put two wounds on the other tervigon. Fateweaver was close enough to flame the two mcs but failed to wound do to rolling 2s with breath.

The gaunts roll for morale and they get it. I was really hoping they would run off the table .


My opponent didn't expect to lose his tervigon so quickly. He was hoping to build a gaunt wall to help keep the model alive. He didn't realize I had enough fire power to kill his tervigon like that. He expressed much hatred to the flamers which he called cheesy. This is coming from a guy that plays tervigons and 3 trygons. Force 1 and 2 decided to head back to his objective while force 3 heads for my objective.

He failed instinctive behavior but since the 7 man gaunt squad has lurk they stay put. He spawns 9 more gaunts which heads towards Fateweaver. Force 1 gaunts and stealer's is a bit out of range to do anything. Also thanks to two big mcs in the way kind off helped. Force 2 runs towards my center field flamers. His prime and tervigon fails to wound the Fateweaver with shooting. Gaunts fail to wound my flamers which my changeling made them target Ragnarok who is out of range.

His 9 man gaunt squad, trygon, and tervigon assaults fateweaver doing nothing. They did put 12 wounds on him but thank goodness for a 3+ re roll for invul. I kill 2 gaunts which all 3 squads suffer no retreat which the gaunts roll a double 6 so now it's still a 7 man squad, while the trygon is good, but the tervigon takes 2 more wounds, I guess all those lucky gaunt rolls was gonna get him somewhere.


Time to see who comes in which is bloodcrushers, and seekers are the only guys I can get to come in. Honestly I think I should keep force 3 from back tracking so I place them near the gaunts and stealer's from force 1 so I can also head towards my objective as well. Both units don't scatter too badly. I managed to sandwich force 1 a little bit forming a triangle while I'm far enough away from force 3 taking on my new arrivals.

I move my center flamers so I can flame Ragnarok and his gaunts at the same time and hopefully direct him away from the objective. I decide to have my princes head towards the center