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Thread: Reserves

  1. #1

    Question Reserves

    As of late, my friends and I have had a friendly disagreement on how rolling for reserves is done. As it is written in the book, it says: "At the start of the movement phase...a player must roll a dice for each of their units in reserve...Once all of the units have been rolled for, the player picks any one of the units arriving and deploys it."

    Now, I take this as follows: Roll for unit A. See if it arrives. Move to unit B, and so on. Say unit A shows but B doesn't, deploy it.

    My friends have interpreted it as this: Roll for all units in reserve at once, and then pick which ones arrive. I.e. I have five units in reserve, Units A-E. I roll for them all together, and get three rolls that are able to enter, and I decide I really need units A, C and E, so I choose those as the arriving units and deploy them.

    Personally, I feel that their method is incorrect, as the book clearly states "roll for each unit" That tells me you nominate a unit to roll for and see if it arrives and continue for all units in reserves. What're your thoughts?

  2. #2


    You are correct. As you have stated, it flat out reads: roll for each, then deploy the units that get to. It does not read: roll the number of units you have, then pick who gets to come out.

  3. #3


    You are correct, your friends are incorrect. You even have the quote correct to prove your point.

  4. #4


    Thanks, guys. I was confident that I was correct, and your word, Jwolf, will be as good as gold. Thanks again!

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