What have been your favourite moments in your 40k career? Moments when due to luck or brilliant tactics you uttely annihilated your foe? (I know there is a similar topic for CC, this isn't intended to duplicate)

Here are a couple of mine:

A critical moment in a huge Apocalypse game, my farseer and Ghazghkull get into LOS. My farseer casts mindwar, rolls a 6. Ork player rolls a 1. Five wounds on Ghazghkull, charge of my banshees and scorpions soon after routs the centre of his army and I capture the objective.

A wave serpent decants 10 howling banshees and a farseer who go on to destroy an IG platoon and the serpent destroys a leman russ squad (incredibly lucky rolls I admit. And no autocannons) And the IG player laughed at me for getting my farseer 'up close and personal'.