Come to the First Annual Bugeater GT on June 24th-26th, 2011!

The tournament, held at a local high school I teach at, is a fundraiser for the debate team that I help coach - so not only do you get to play your favorite game for 2-3 days but you also get to help out with kids' education! The tournament is based on the NOVA Open model, and has slots for 64 40k players and 32 Fantasy players. Cost is $50 for the two day tournament and the Friday night open and specialist gaming.

Information is available at the tournament website: [url][/url], but here is the skinny:

1) There isn't another GT within a 400 mile radius of Omaha. If you live in the Midwest and are looking to add to the events you frequent, consider driving or flying to Omaha for the Bugeater. It is a relatively low cost event in a city that is pretty cheap to visit. PLUS if you're a baseball fan the College World Series will be finishing up the week before the tournament - come a few days early and catch some great games!

2) EVERYONE gets six rounds (only five for fantasy right now because we only have 32 slots, if it grows we'll expand to six rounds), but we will use swiss pairing to leave one person the sole champion of the tournament. There will be equal support for the more hobby oriented gamers (We call it the Sweepstakes Award, others have recently used the term Renaissance Man), and if we get added to the GW tournament circuit the tournament champion and sweepstakes winner will get Golden Tickets.

3) It will be 1850 for 40k, and 2500 for Fantasy.

4) I check my PMs and emails often so if you have questions/suggestions/comments/are willing to help please email me or PM me. My email is [email][email protected][/email]

Right now registration is available through PayPal, and the first 20 to sign up do so at 10% off. The rate is slightly higher for buying online to compensate for PayPal's service charge, so it will be $46.75.