So I know some of you are aware of the upcoming "DaBoyz" GT in good ole Rochester NY in November. I took IG last year but there are some fairly tight comp restrictions this time around but I can't seem to build a list that can kick *** and be fun while attaining a decent comp score with my IG. So I've decided to dust off my marines and build a fairly fluffy and super fun Flesh Tearers army in a month and leave the Vostroyans home for once.

So here is my list! Please any comments are welcome and keep in mind this is supposed to be fluffy/fun/competitive all in a frothing mad package.


Librarian "Orpheus"
Jump Pack
Unleash Rage/Shield of Sanguinius

Reculsiarch "Rusty"

Death Company x7
Power Weapon x2
Rhino w/extra armor

Assault Squad "Hank"
Assault Marines x10
Power Fist

Assault Squad "Dean"
Assault Marines x10
Power Weapon
Infernus Pistol

Squad "Samson"
Tactical Marines x10
Power Fist
Missile Launcher
Drop Pod

Death Company Furioso Dreadnought "H.E.L.P.eR"
Melta gun
Storm bolter
Drop Pod w/Deathwind Launcher

Sanguinary Priests-

Sanguinary Priest w/ Jump Pack, Power Weapon & Infernus Pistol

Sanguinary Priest w/Jump Pack and Lightening Claw

Fast Attack
Baal Predator w/Flamestorm Cannon

Heavy Support
Devastator Squad w/5 marines
Missile Launcher x2
Las Cannon x2


Have at it! Thanks in advance!