Greetings everyone! As some of you may know I've started on a rather ambitious project of building a Fellblade for each of the loyal Space Marine Legions from the time of the Horus Heresy. The first one up was the Blood Angels' Sactimonia Cruoris (previously known as the Sanctimonia of Cruor before someone corrected my Latin ). Here's the fluff on it along with the BoLS article:

The Fellblade is one of the most ancient war machines available to the forces of the Imperium. Much like its other heavily armed brethren the Fellblade bristles with potent weapons capable of laying low the most powerful of foes. However, what makes the Fellblade most dangerous is not its formidable guns or massive treads, it is that this hammer of mankind lies within the hands of the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines.

Once a common site along side the elite of the Emperor during the Great Crusades there are but a scant handful remaining amongst the original Legions. Yet in the midst of these few are the Fellblades of Renown, artifacts of a thousand wars that rise up like gods above the titans. One such as this is the Fellblade of the Blood Angels known in antiquity as the Sactimonia Cruoris, the Purity of the Blood.

As old as the Chapter itself, the Sactimonia Cruoris was used as the test bed for many of the new technologies and weapons discovered by the Blood Angels during the Great Crusade. Although not always in the same configuration, the Sactimonia Cruoris was forever at the forefront of battle and has the great distinction of being one of the few recorded vehicle to have participated in the Battle of Terra during the Horus Heresy and survived to this day. Even though its current pattern has not changed in nearly three thousand years the tomes of Master of the Forge still identifies its present form as “Experimental.”

Now a treasured relic, the Sactimonia Cruoris is only awoken from its slumber when the call to arms is so great that the entire Blood Angels Chapter is mobilized. It last took to the fields of war during the Second Battle for Armageddon. During the initial bombardment outside the Hive of Hades the Blood Angel performed a daring move deploying the Sactimonia Cruoris and a squadron of Baal class predators by rapid insertion into the heart of the ork horde. In less than a minute the sheer firepower of the Sanctimonia of Cruor and its comrades massacred the xenos within a half a kilometer of their drop zone in all directions. By the time the orks could regroup the void had been filled with the entire 3rd company and elements of the 1st. The Blood Angels had established their beach head allowing the rest of the angelic host to descent from the heavens and wage war against the invaders.


Even though I've already started on #2, the Imperial Fist Iron Breaker, I thought it would be good to give you some history as to how the model came about. Over the next couple of days I'll be update this thread until I've caught up with where I am now with this project. So without further ado, here...we...go....