my general army fluff can be found on another thread,


but as for my main characters, i have 2 company command squads and a Lord Commissar, the first one represents the lucky 88th command squad, with Colonel Commissar Winters (he just counts as a company commander but uses a DKOK commissar model)

Lord Commissar Spears (he has since been updated with a servo skull to identify him as a Lord)

Fans of the series Band of Brothers will recognise i've taken the names from Winters, the main character, and Spears' the coolest charcter by far, if you havent seen it, keep an eye on this guy.

my other command squad represents Borlina's Royal Tsar (Leader of the entire planet) and his personal bodyguards. he's a Creed Count as. Tsar Ivan XVI
he's a WIP and ive run out of picture allowance for this post.
but you can see a pic here [url][/url]