BoLS Lounge : Wargames, Warhammer & Miniatures Forum


Type: Posts; User: AngryMojo

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  1. Replies

    I always see Criid in back alleys, dealing with...

    I always see Criid in back alleys, dealing with the Arcanist scum. In my mind, at least.
  2. Just letting you all know our fulfillment is...

    Just letting you all know our fulfillment is wrapped up and our webstore is now live. Click here for cool stuff.

    Lots of additional terrain on the site, much wasn't available during the...
  3. We're under a week in and almost funded. Check...

    We're under a week in and almost funded. Check out the kickstarter, it's a good time for all.
  4. Angry Mojo Games terrain Kickstarter is LIVE!

    Who needs more laser cut MDF terrain? How about a lot of it? For a low price? Got you covered. Our $50 pledge level provides a whole table of economically priced terrain. That's right, a whole...
Results 1 to 4 of 4