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Type: Posts; User: Dont-Be-Haten

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  1. Replies

    The Reapers have done a lot of work for me....

    The Reapers have done a lot of work for me. Jetbikes, marine bikes, speeders, even wave serpents and flying MCs.
  2. Replies

    1850 Footdar list. Halloween Event.

    Hello Everyone,

    I've been playing around with a few different list ideas lately with all my Eldar and I have really been enjoying my footdar lists. This is the general build, but I'm looking for...
  3. Picking the right blood thirster. A 40k/AoS question.

    One of the coolest things about AoS is that you now have 2 armies when looking at Daemons or Khorne(Daemonkin).

    The blood thirster is going to be the center piece for my AoS army, and while I...
  4. I've been playing it your way chrono don't feel...

    I've been playing it your way chrono don't feel bad. In my mind I was thinking 1 hit just gave multiple chances of wound x model and that damage did not spill over. I guess because I was thinking in...
  5. War dollies are so serious. In any case my...

    War dollies are so serious.

    In any case my points are valid. I didn't cover everything just the key points and felt what needed to be addressed again got it. For the people still crying I'm sorry,...
  6. Have you not seen the book burnings or the model...

    Have you not seen the book burnings or the model burning or the other /ragequit /GWquit YouTube Videos or Blogs? Or the massive amounts of Competitive Fantasy Armies flooding the internet...
  7. I mean if that's how you feel... That's not...

    I mean if that's how you feel...

    That's not what I said, I said the majority of complaining is coming from a competitive minority, and the average player just doesn't care.

    Oh come on...
  8.'re one of the ones we make fun of...'re one of the ones we make fun of...
  9. I could easily say just read the comment...

    I could easily say just read the comment sections, watch the youtube videos, or read some of the more pessimistic views on Age of Sigmar and I'm sure you can find an equal if not exceeding amount of...
  10. Que the violins.

    Que the violins.
  11. What I mean here is modeling for advantage....

    What I mean here is modeling for advantage. Allying only the best and most powerful named characters. Earlier in trial games I caught 2 kids wanting to play with lizard men and his buddy who's been...
  12. Understanding AoS. Acceptance & Balance: The Break Up. The Future.

    I have seen so many different articles and reviews on this game. Complaining en~masse and the loud and bellowing cry of how broken this game is from so many players. I've decided to write this in...
  13. Replies

    I'm sorry they made the game impossible to play...

    I'm sorry they made the game impossible to play competitively. Even with your suggestions I think it takes away from the heart of the game itself. /Shrug
  14. Replies

    Yawn. I'm sorry I can't take any game...


    I'm sorry I can't take any game seriously enough that allows you to look in the mirror for model do to narcisism...Secondly that is a load of bs. People should be able to be on the same...
  15. Replies

    Why are people trying to make a game not in any...

    Why are people trying to make a game not in any way meant to be competitive, to be competitive?
  16. Replies

    AoS Skarr and the Slaughterbeast Q&A

    Hey guys. We were just talking about the Slaughterbeast being bound to Skarr and if Skarr dies, and the Slaughterbeast goes crazy, how would you guys play it? Would you allow the SB for short to...
  17. Replies

    Well honestly Khorne Daemonkin are really really...

    Well honestly Khorne Daemonkin are really really powerful in my opinion and are much more forgiving because you get the blood tithe and it accumulates for all units destroyed. It is very fast, and...
  18. Replies

    You pick telepathy for invisibility, because that...

    You pick telepathy for invisibility, because that is a huge intimidation factor, and forces your opponent to choose between that and shrouded. Plus psychic shriek is a fantastic spell to cast. I...
  19. Replies

    How is your friend wanting to play CSM? You...

    How is your friend wanting to play CSM? You should let him know that overall the codex is not that great at the moment, unless you play with allied daemons, or allies via one of the supplements. Even...
  20. Replies

    I would assume TOs would just say a roll of a 1...

    I would assume TOs would just say a roll of a 1 on a FnP roll always fails. Problem solved. Same thing with anything else, such as a friendly game. No need to get your knickers in a twist over this.
  21. 40k Night Lords: 1850+ Campaign Fluff list.

    'Lo BoLS,

    A few of my friends and I are working on a campaign to be played in the following months based around an undisclosed time frame between the 39-40th millennium. Its basically a way for us...
  22. Replies

    Excited about the new assault marines and bits....

    Excited about the new assault marines and bits. That eviscerator and extra kit bash is going to make one fine counts as Seth for my boys in red!
  23. It is fun to deep strike those Falcons, but...

    It is fun to deep strike those Falcons, but honestly it's really ineffective in terms of points and sheer bulk of the models in a tournament setting. Yeah you can deep strike them within 4inches of...
  24. Sanguinary Priest: Gear load out discussion.

    Hey all. I've decided to post this thread, do in part to surfing the inter-webs and not really finding a good in depth discussion on how to kit out your Blood Angels Sanguinary Priest with the new...
  25. Replies

    DL = defense line with the gun emplacements. I...

    DL = defense line with the gun emplacements. I know that the Exarch gets the EML as an upgrade, I just Meant the reaper launchers didn't get it. But you might be right, thinking about it; having the...
Results 1 to 25 of 127
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