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Type: Posts; User: Hendarion

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  1. If it will take years, then this is perfect for...

    If it will take years, then this is perfect for GW as they can sell Marines for years to come. And it's not a hoax. Even the White-Dwarf-Anniversary model is wearing this new type of Space Marine...
  2. Replies

    I don't see why that should be related to...

    I don't see why that should be related to Eldar-players (is someone hating Eldar-player by chance?). After all, it doesn't really matter how core rules work - like at all. It comes down to how much...
  3. Replies

    GW said everything can damage everything. So that...

    GW said everything can damage everything. So that means S3 will also be able to hurt T7. Probably like you need a 6 and a re-roll on 4+ or 5+ or something.

    From what people told me, it's more...
  4. New Space Marines in true-scale were not fake

    Looks like GW published and pulled swiftly their own image of the new larger Space Marines which previously were said to be conversion and fake. Looks like it wasn't fake after all. They have...
  5. Replies

    O.o I thought she's in plastic. Now that's...

    O.o I thought she's in plastic. Now that's shocking me a bit that GW still does new Finecast minis...
  6. Right leg is in the upper right corner. The foot...

    Right leg is in the upper right corner. The foot is on the lower left end of that bit. I don't know, theoretically Eldrad has an apprentice/successor in the recent fluff iirc (although if I remember...
  7. Yea, looks like it's just one sprue of two. But...

    Yea, looks like it's just one sprue of two. But since only head and arm (and maybe some base) are missing to make a full model and considering that two parts don't fill an entire sprue, might it be...
  8. That's not only his staff, but also his shoulders...

    That's not only his staff, but also his shoulders and chest-armour. But where is that from? Has Eldrad ever been published in plastic? I mean, the sprue says 2016 after all, but... is there something...
  9. New Eldrad plastic sprue, can it be?


    Does anyone know what sprue this is?
    The staff looks like Eldrad, but there's no helmet to confirm. I've never seen that body yet either.
  10. Replies

    It's no longer optional. All dreads got +2...

    It's no longer optional. All dreads got +2 attack. Murdering murderpants is murdering.
  11. I guess he meant in order to have a good amount...

    I guess he meant in order to have a good amount of entries, you'd need to invest a lot of money i.e. an army (bought in portions of 50GBP) gets you the best chance ;)
  12. Replies

    With 5 hits they get equal to LasCannons with...

    With 5 hits they get equal to LasCannons with short range. Not bad, but I do currently not see their major purpose. Dark/Bright Lances are better at popping heavily armoured vehicles,...
  13. Replies

    Dissonance cannon: 24″ S5, AP4, Heavy 1, pinning....

    Dissonance cannon: 24″ S5, AP4, Heavy 1, pinning. For each additional model in the unit that hits, add +1S and -1AP.
  14. Replies

    The Aspect-Lord Shrine is not a formation, it is...

    The Aspect-Lord Shrine is not a formation, it is just a trait, right? So does that mean these three mandatory aspect squads can be picked as an Aspect Host formation (the one that gives BS/WS...
  15. The teleport itself is useless. The real deal is...

    The teleport itself is useless. The real deal is the ability to disappear and deep strike the next turn anywhere on the battle field (Jump Gargantuan). So basically it can jump anywhere in lieu of...
  16. Replies

    Because someone noticed they're boring. :rolleyes:

    Because someone noticed they're boring. :rolleyes:
  17. Replies

    Yea, you can put a scatter, as you can on a...

    Yea, you can put a scatter, as you can on a Cobra. Although you wouldn't want a Cobra with that range and points any more. The Lynx got as many HP as always. 6 (it had 2 SP, x3 this makes 6).
  18. Replies

    Outch. They not only reduced the Cobra's blast...

    Outch. They not only reduced the Cobra's blast size, but also the range. This is a huge hit. I guess mine will stay in the shelve for quite some time.
  19. Replies

    Since I play Apoc only in GW stores, not going to...

    Since I play Apoc only in GW stores, not going to happen and maybe even incorrect bonus that GW never meant to be possible. You can house-rule everything, even your Cobra to have 10" and cost 400...
  20. Replies

    Still, a Warhound doesn't have any protection...

    Still, a Warhound doesn't have any protection from other D-weapons. So re-rolling saves ain't useful. I'm not sure that actually any psychic power would affect a Holo Field either, since it is not a...
  21. Replies

    Not only that, but also penetrating hits are much...

    Not only that, but also penetrating hits are much less impressive to super heavies.
  22. C'mon, you know it. It won't.

    C'mon, you know it. It won't.
  23. Replies

    The Cobra is so useless compared to a Scorpion...

    The Cobra is so useless compared to a Scorpion now and the Lynx is the worst jokes of all.

    GW thought about the Revenant to change the shields, boost the movement insanely and increase it in...
  24. Replies

    DrLove42, you are aware the 120" is only for one...

    DrLove42, you are aware the 120" is only for one special character, not for all sniper rifles, aren't you?
    Also, you'd need an apoc-like table to outrange most other long-range-weapons with it.
  25. Replies

    Well, eldargal, that is rather debatable. We know...

    Well, eldargal, that is rather debatable. We know that it contains "rules" by what WD says. But nobody said it would contain new units or rules to change units. It might very well just be new rules...
Results 1 to 25 of 33
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