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Type: Posts; User: interrogator_chaplain

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  1. Part 2: Castellax Battle Automata:...

    Part 2:

    Castellax Battle Automata:

    Tech-Thrall 3-Man group 2:
  2. I've started posting on another forum, so I've...

    I've started posting on another forum, so I've neglected this one a little bit, but here's a few of the things I've been working on the last couple months:

    Culexus Assassin:
  3. Replies

    Good thing you worked on Konrad, because in the...

    Good thing you worked on Konrad, because in the last update, I was going to say his face looked more like Count Chocula with a tan that a grim specter of death.
  4. Looks good! But, I think you need some sort of...

    Looks good! But, I think you need some sort of targeting apparatus, I suggest the targetter off the Land Raider sponsons.
  5. That seems like it should suffice. I mean, if the...

    That seems like it should suffice. I mean, if the shoe fits, right?
  6. Symmetricality is overrated.

    Symmetricality is overrated.
  7. After a good amount of hemming and hawing on the...

    After a good amount of hemming and hawing on the next project, and swearing I wouldn't jump into a big project, my Dark Talon is more or less done!


    I've named her...
  8. Thank you sir! Yep, Rakarth Flesh followed by a...

    Thank you sir! Yep, Rakarth Flesh followed by a Agrax wash and then Ushabti as the final layer.

    Just a quick one today, did a Tech-Thrall up over the last couple days, checking out the Battle...
  9. Was going to jump into another big(ish) project...

    Was going to jump into another big(ish) project and get my Dark Talon airworthy to drop some beautiful potential Vortex's on my enemies. But realized quickly that I've hit upon big project fatigue...
  10. It really does look great on that Strongpoint,...

    It really does look great on that Strongpoint, was mulling a purchase between that and a Fortress of Redemption. This has not made the decision easier...

    Good work on yours!

    ETA: Just saw that...
  11. After a month and a bit of hard work and a little...

    After a month and a bit of hard work and a little trial and error on Object Source Lighting, I've finished my Plasma Obliterator, The Roar of Heroes.
    14781 14782 14783 14784 14785

    It was a...
  12. Replies

    For all my fellow Dark Angels players, I made...

    For all my fellow Dark Angels players, I made this:
  13. I will never, ever get tired of looking at...

    I will never, ever get tired of looking at people's Apocalypse match photo's or videos, ESPECIALLY when everything is painted!

    Mad kudos to you for putting these up, looks like you had an absolute...
  14. Replies

    Interrogator-Chaplain first and the Codex the...

    Interrogator-Chaplain first and the Codex the week after?
  15. Replies

    Wow, that's one hell of a collection you've built...

    Wow, that's one hell of a collection you've built up! Very good looking.
  16. Replies


  17. In between waiting for the brushes I need for my...

    In between waiting for the brushes I need for my Plasma Obliterator, I decided to finish off my Deathwing Knights, whose squad name henceforth will be known as The Nephilim Reborn....
  18. Whoo! Painting time begin! Excitement!

    Whoo! Painting time begin! Excitement!
  19. Barring your already finished, (RIGHT?) Warlord,...

    Barring your already finished, (RIGHT?) Warlord, this is the project of yours I love the most.
  20. Brotherhood of Psykers and Warp Surge

    An issue came up today with a squad of Grey Knight Terminators rolling a 6 on the Perils chart and getting Warp Surge. Does the whole squad share the effects of Warp Surge due to the Brotherhood of...
  21. Ladies and Gentlemen. One of the biggest projects...

    Ladies and Gentlemen. One of the biggest projects I've ever started has now been completed.

    SA-41.XX12, The Rainmaker.

    Such an astonishingly awesome model to...
  22. Alright, so the Thanatar is done, almost. I came...

    Alright, so the Thanatar is done, almost. I came to realize that if I wanted it done the way I truly wanted it, it would have to stay off the base until I got some practice in. Thus far, the extent...
  23. Replies

    AWW YEAH KAL JEHRICO! Great work!

    AWW YEAH KAL JEHRICO! Great work!
  24. Replies

    Really good looking, with my Thanatar, I really...

    Really good looking, with my Thanatar, I really regret not being more thorough with the mould lines. There were a lot of them on that sucker.
  25. I really like that Blue/Teal combo, might have to...

    I really like that Blue/Teal combo, might have to work that into my Skitarii...
Results 1 to 25 of 300
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