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Type: Posts; User: lattd

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  1. Replies

    Hi Sovereign, SDE is currently about to get a v2...

    Hi Sovereign, SDE is currently about to get a v2 release with the new forgotten king set and new rulebooks. As such Von Drakk will be getting a re-release after with new cards. All the old models...
  2. So the problem isn't the rulebook it's the codex?...

    So the problem isn't the rulebook it's the codex? I fully expect male fix to be only available to heralds and greater daemons. If that is the change when the codex comes out is the rule still broken,...
  3. Replies

    Tau infiltration team, shadowsun and dark strider...

    Tau infiltration team, shadowsun and dark strider then load out on stealth teams sniper drones and pathfinders.
  4. Replies

    It would be awesome if they took some ideas from...

    It would be awesome if they took some ideas from rivet wars, where you get points not just for the strategic objective but for things like getting a unit into your opponents half or taking out 3...
  5. Replies

    I think we look much better than before, give a...

    I think we look much better than before, give a fully kitted out glade lord the enchanted shield on monstrous stag and he will be tough to ****, combine that with the helm of the hunt an Asrai spear...
  6. Replies

    I think a waystalker with bow of loren is being...

    I think a waystalker with bow of loren is being over looked, yes the waystalker can shoot twice, but what he can do with the bow of loren is shoot twice and ignore armour saves at the same time....
  7. Replies

    I just play it as each rider gets an extra wound?...

    I just play it as each rider gets an extra wound? It makes the twins quite hard to kill.
  8. Replies

    Not really consolidate be shot at with overwatch...

    Not really consolidate be shot at with overwatch loose some models, maybe loose one model in combat then charge into another unit which will overwatch, i assume the consolidation will not count as a...
  9. I have a feeling summoning said greater daemon...

    I have a feeling summoning said greater daemon could back fire by it attacking you or just failing to summon it but you have to sacrifice the unit it's self, maybe it only has as many wounds as the...
  10. 7th edition, take what you want as you will moan...

    7th edition, take what you want as you will moan whatever happens. Use all your collection or use an organisation chart but someone will moan they can't take what they want.

    But in all honesty...
  11. Well no they don't have to be scoring, it would...

    Well no they don't have to be scoring, it would be sensible to take some scoring units in an unbound list but doesn't mean you have to, but this all comes down to objectives. I can see unbound being...
  12. Quick thought if the game gets a new objective...

    Quick thought if the game gets a new objective and no longer has a kill all models to win and you get dynamic objectives then those 5 riptide lists will be terrible.
  13. Only 4 riptide a can't you get 16 at double FOC...

    Only 4 riptide a can't you get 16 at double FOC chart already?
  14. I think this is a) quite a clever idea as it...

    I think this is a) quite a clever idea as it makes the game much more flexible and two a great ploy to sell models. Think if it this way many armies could struggle with a 500 point army list but now...
  15. Replies

    As its monstrous cavalry they get an extra wound...

    As its monstrous cavalry they get an extra wound and toughness, so they have more wounds to take and at a higher toughness but are easier to hit, where as on the dragon they have a lower wound and...
  16. Replies

    No 6 wound ultra elves, if they release a new...

    No 6 wound ultra elves, if they release a new dragon I'll get some hobbit eagles, twins on an eagle and lord on the dragon.
  17. Replies

    Quick question is the sisters of twilight'a...

    Quick question is the sisters of twilight'a dragon counted as a monster? Or monstrous cavalry?
  18. Replies

    Acorn looks like it will be a popular choice...

    Acorn looks like it will be a popular choice allowing multiple woods, which you could choose, venom thicket will be a great choice for eternal guard and wildwood rangers, or abyssal wood for...
  19. Replies

    Have they expanded the twilight sisters...

    Have they expanded the twilight sisters background ? Also in your opinion which units are the big winners and losers?
  20. Replies

    I think the various arrows will allow us to deal...

    I think the various arrows will allow us to deal with most things, arcane bodkins and the poison arrows deal with high save and high toughness respectively.
  21. Replies

    Magic Items as listed on the 40k Warzone...

    Magic Items as listed on the 40k Warzone blogspot.

    Some really interesting items, I can see daiths reaper being a good choice...
  22. Replies

    Agreed the dragon should be the target, but a...

    Agreed the dragon should be the target, but a dragon that regains wounds, dragons are tough, dragons that can reliably heal are even tougher. This release just gets better and better. Also glad to...
  23. Replies

    How long before cries of cheese before people...

    How long before cries of cheese before people realise most of our units don't have an armour save and are only t3? Twilight twins look amazing! Put them on dragon all three models have 6 wounds, the...
  24. Just seen this on 40k radio's facebook page. ...

    Just seen this on 40k radio's facebook page.

    Ok, it seems a nasty rumor is making its way around the interwebs. Many forums are saying 40k 7th is switching over to % based lists. We are here to...
  25. Percentages would give tyranids a massive boost,...

    Percentages would give tyranids a massive boost, if we had the 50% hq, 50%, elite, 25% minimum core, 50% fast and 50% heavy you have a crazy amount of flexibility.
Results 1 to 25 of 300
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