View Full Version : Basing

09-04-2010, 06:08 PM
I have recently been remounting some of my heroes on scenic bases, to make them "pop" a bit more, and really stand out from the crowd. I'm wondering however how much of an issue that might prove to be in game terms. What are some of the community's thoughts on this, does it tend to be huge rules issue, or not that big a deal?

09-04-2010, 09:03 PM
Strictly by the rules... you could end up breaking some; making the base bigger (ThunderWolf Lord with saga of the warrior borne) or smaller (Creed kneeling to look at a map, on a custom 20mm base) could be an advantage [more attacks going out from a strong melee character, or less shooting and melee attacks coming in at an important support tyoe character).

If you can keep the base size the same, try to go for that; or if a bigger base is likely to do more harm to your character most people shouldn't mind.
Likewise, if you mount the character high up (on a pillar or pile of bodies), they're more likely to be shot at, so most people don't mind (unless it's a Vindacare assassin in a tree or Master of the Forge with beamer climbing over a blownout piece of tank; where people could complain you're doing it so the shooty characters benfits).

As long as you don't seem out to model for advantage, I think a majority will be fine with it.

09-05-2010, 01:22 AM
I have recently been remounting some of my heroes on scenic bases, to make them "pop" a bit more, and really stand out from the crowd. I'm wondering however how much of an issue that might prove to be in game terms. What are some of the community's thoughts on this, does it tend to be huge rules issue, or not that big a deal?

You'll be perfectly fine.

Just convert and make your army beautiful.

09-06-2010, 03:06 AM
Same opinion here. I would have no problem with a nice scenic base. If you try to put an infantry model on a Trygon base its a little over the top, but a terminator base for a HQ-model is perfectly fine for me.

09-06-2010, 09:27 PM
If you try to put an infantry model on a Trygon base its a little over the top.

But if you had an appropriately awesome diorama on that base...

Of course, it'd be funny to see you try and disembark a character with that big a base from a vehicle on a crowded board:rolleyes:.