View Full Version : Badab War Volume 1 Page Spreads

09-03-2010, 10:00 AM
Check out the coolness:


The year is 903.M41 and Lugft Huron, Chapter Master of the Astral Claws and self-styled Tyrant of Badab, declares the secession of his domains from the Imperium, taking four entire Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes with him into rebellion.

The scene is set for an epic clash of arms that will see armies crushed, fleets shattered and entire worlds reduced to lifeless cinders in one of the most dangerous internecine conflicts the Imperium has known in a thousand years.

History will call Lugft Huron a madman and a traitor, and condemn him as a pawn of Chaos or a Xenos puppet, but history is written by the victor, and in the grim darkness of the far future the truth is seldom so simple…

Inside this book, the first volume in Forge World’s two-part exploration of the infamous Badab War, you will find a detailed account of the shadowed origins, terrible secrets and savage birth of the Tyrant’s rebellion. You will also find information on the malevolent Warp-storm of the Maelstrom itself as well as the dangerous and forlorn worlds that border it.

Also detailed are full histories and dispositions of the nine Space Marine Chapters that played the most significant part in the Badab War’s early stages - the Astral Claws, Fire Hawks, Marines Errant, Red Scorpions, Raptors, Novamarines, Fire Angels, Howling Griffons and Lamenters are each illustrated with extensive colour profiles.

This volume also contains a complete army list, The Tyrant’s Legion, representing those forces that defended Huron’s conquered realms from the Imperium’s wrath, and a purpose-designed campaign system for you to re-fight your own Badab War. Also included are five unique campaign missions and a special Boarding Assault mini-expansion for Warhammer 40,000 that allows you to fight brutal ship-to-ship combats on the tabletop.

The full-colour, 208-page book contains 15 colour pictures, 120 full colour Space Marine infantry and vehicle profiles and 10 detailed colour star maps, as well as three new Apocalypse formations and twelve new special characters representing mighty warriors from the Space Marine Chapters featured in this book.

09-03-2010, 10:46 AM
Ship to ship boarding combat sounds ace. Just asking to join up with BFG games...

09-03-2010, 11:50 AM
What about the Sons of Medusa Chapter !!!! they arent mentioned!!! this means Heresy

09-03-2010, 12:34 PM
I know I'm going to get flamed by all the sm haters, but I am stoked to see fw doing something not imperial guard. This expansion seems Ike a great buy, if only for the background information.


09-03-2010, 12:48 PM
Part of me thinks FW could make a lot of money if they just sold the Fiction bit of the books, just the fluff sections, not the rules, new models or scenarios. I want to read all the fluff, but ain't paying that much out for a book of models i'll never use

Bring on Eldar vs Space Wolves! 1st proper FW book I will buy!

09-03-2010, 01:01 PM
Don't know how I feel about the Astral Claws new grey and blue colour scheme. After the red scorpions grey, which I do like alot, I think a different scheme all together would have been best. I'm not saying I want to see orange with black stripes, but a departure from the norm would have been good.

09-03-2010, 02:20 PM
Agreed that the Astral Claw's new scheme is dull. Blue and grey - not very unique for the main villains of the piece - and I can think of a fair few blue and white chapters, so not thrilled at the change.

I liked the tiger stripes personally, or some varient of the orange/black, it was very distinctive.

The rules sound good though, especially the boarding action ones.

09-03-2010, 03:07 PM
What about the Sons of Medusa Chapter !!!! they arent mentioned!!! this means Heresy

It did seem odd to me to mention the Marines Errant and leave out Sons of Medusa. Whaddup Wit Dat?

09-03-2010, 03:10 PM
Don't know how I feel about the Astral Claws new grey and blue colour scheme. After the red scorpions grey, which I do like alot, I think a different scheme all together would have been best. I'm not saying I want to see orange with black stripes, but a departure from the norm would have been good.

I believe its actually Silver and Blue (not gray). They just cant render silver in the color plates. But still, why so different from the old color scheme, and why the stupid high-school mascot logo?

Inquisitor Hate Machine
09-04-2010, 12:09 AM
It did seem odd to me to mention the Marines Errant and leave out Sons of Medusa. Whaddup Wit Dat?

The whole "Part 1" thing MIGHT be a clue.

Im not sayin', Im just sayin'

09-04-2010, 02:18 AM
I believe its actually Silver and Blue (not gray). They just cant render silver in the color plates. But still, why so different from the old color scheme, and why the stupid high-school mascot logo?

Looking again at the CAESTUS ASSAULT RAM pics I believe you are right. I still think a better choice was out there.

09-04-2010, 09:56 AM
I wonder if the ship to ship combat rules will work with races other than Space Marines.

09-04-2010, 10:06 AM
It did seem odd to me to mention the Marines Errant and leave out Sons of Medusa. Whaddup Wit Dat?

It is part 1, maybe they are in part 2?

09-04-2010, 07:09 PM
I agree the change to the Astral Claws color scheme not being a great move, but I do like the changes they have made to the Fire Hawks.

I wonder if the ship to ship combat rules will work with races other than Space Marines.

I would imagine parts of it would; you just might need to make adjustments/create rules for Xenos boarding craft.

George Labour
09-05-2010, 12:15 AM
Hrmm IG boarding craft. Wouldn't that just be firing spacesuited men at the enemy until a few hundred smash through the bridge's kilometer high stained glass windows?

Like the Noah cannon from SUpreme commander 2, only with lasguns.

09-05-2010, 03:52 AM
Reserved mine for Gamesday.

That + Warhound titan & arms = expensive day:).

09-05-2010, 03:51 PM
Getting mine at games day cant wait :D