View Full Version : Knights and terrain

Peoples Champ
08-29-2018, 04:30 PM
I find the rules around terrain very vague in 40k sometimes. One thing that came up in a game last night was can knights move into ruins (there was an objective in the middle of one)? And to broaden that discussion how about woods and moving over low fences barricades etc. In the rules under obstacles it states titanic models can move over obstacles. The examples they give are tank traps and razor wire. How does a very low wall relate to this and moving a knight over it? Game last night I deployed my knight in a ruin with a probably a 1 inch high wall in front. Discussion was could I just walk over it or did I have to go around it...

11-01-2018, 03:26 AM
This sort of thing is something that should be agreed pre-game. 8th is less forgiving in some ways - the argument about whether or not you can move into ruins with no doors - but you shoud be able to see if a single wall about 1"-1.5" look like a Knight could step over.