View Full Version : Eurazeo is Seeking a Buyer for Asmodee

05-10-2018, 12:20 PM
http://pro.bols.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/asmodee-logo-e1525973041957-600x297.jpg (http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2018/05/eurazeo-is-seeking-a-buyer-for-asmodee.html)
  The French private equity firm has put a lot of capital into building Asmodee into a big player in the tabletop industry, and now it’s looking for a return on that investment*– to the tune of*$1.7 billion.
The post Eurazeo is Seeking a Buyer for Asmodee (http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2018/05/eurazeo-is-seeking-a-buyer-for-asmodee.html) appeared first on Bell of Lost Souls (http://www.belloflostsouls.net).

Click to read the full article. (http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2018/05/eurazeo-is-seeking-a-buyer-for-asmodee.html)