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View Full Version : Army Size; 2250 or 2500?

09-01-2010, 09:19 AM
Greetings All,

I was wondering what most people feel the prevailing standard for army size will be for upcoming 8th edition tournaments; still 2250 or bumping to 2500? I have heard inklings of both?

09-01-2010, 09:40 AM
We'll probably see a share of either, but from what I heard, 2400 or 2500 might become more common than 2250. The reason being, a lot of army setups don't exactly work (or aren't optimal) unless you can take 600 points of either rare, heroes, and/or lords.

For example, 2400 points would be the minimum in which a player could play 2 Empire steam tanks, or 2 fully decked out Ogre Kingdoms Lords.

09-02-2010, 12:35 PM
I think I agree. By the time you kit out some characters they will be over 500pts.

10-11-2010, 10:47 AM
I was wondering this too, as I was trying to come up with a Wood Elf list that's actually worth a damn (no easy task lol!). Need to know what points level to build it so that I don't have to change it when I get to one of the local indy tournaments.

Seems there are still some 2250 or even 2000 pt holdouts out there - I wish folks would hurry up and get the memo lol!

10-12-2010, 02:59 AM
I think either is still viable. will u be able to run 2 steam tanks, 2 killer lords or a steagadon list at 2250 well no and I have no sympathy for those that cry about it. Those with skill and an armybook from the last decade (sorry we,tk) will have no problems coming up with a list at any point scale yes even 2000. I did not carefully read the rule book when writing my ard boys list. I tought it was 25% for all characters both lords and heroes. Well i was quite suprised to be facing off against other uber lords when mine was bare bones. but you know what i still managed to take 3rd out of a large field of people. Im happy to get a torny in no matter what the points r. if u r not sure write a list for both.