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View Full Version : BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Orkz vs T'au (3/14/2018)

03-14-2018, 12:51 PM
T’au Empire

Battalion Detachment – Farsight Enclaves

Commander Farsight – 151

Cadre Fireblade – 42

Crisis Suit “Aarra’kon” w/Airbursting Frag Projector, Cyclic Ion Blaster, Plasma Rifle – 79

5x Breacher Team – 35

5x Breacher Team – 35

5x Strike Team – 35

Battalion Detachment – Farsight Enclaves

Commander Brightsword w/Fusion Blades, Shield Generator, Iridium Battlesuit – 137

Cadre Fire Blade -42

Crisis Suit “Torchstar” w/Flamers, Fusion Blaster, Shield Generator – 89

Crisis Suit “Sha’vastos” w/Plasma Rifle, Flamer, Shield Generator – 70

5x Strike Team – 35

5x Strike Team – 35

5x Strike Team – 35

Spearhead Detachment – Farsight Enclaves

Commander Bravestorm w/Plasma Rifle x2, Onager Gauntlet, Shield Generator, Iridium Battle Suit – 117

Broadside “Ob’lotai 9-0” w/Target Lock, High Yield Missile Pods, Smart Missile System, Seeker Missile – 146

Riptide “O’vesa” w/Ion Accelerator, Fusion Blasters, Target Lock, Drone Controller – 309

3x Sniper Drones – 54

3x Sniper Drones – 54

1500 7/10 cp


Battalion Detachment – Orks

Trukk: Big Shoota

Ghazghkull Thraka: 1. Legendary Fighter, Warlord

Warboss: Attack Squig, Headwoppa’s Killchoppa, Kustom Shoota

Weirdboy: 3. Da Jump

Stormboyz: 7x Stormboy

Boyz: 24x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa

Boyz: 12x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa

Boyz: 21x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa

Spearhead Detachment – Orks

Battlewagon: ‘ard Case, 4x Big Shoota, Deff Rolla, Zzap gun

Big Gunz
. Gun: 2x Grot Gunner, Lobba
. Gun: 2x Grot Gunner, Zzap gun

Mek Gunz
. Gun: 5x Grot Gunner, Traktor Kannon
. Gun: 5x Grot Gunner, Smasha Gun

Big Mek: Grot Oiler, Killsaw, Kustom Force Field

Vanguard Detachment – Orks

Big Mek: Choppa, Shokk Attack Gun

Mek: Choppa, Grot Oiler, Slugga

Painboy: Grot Orderly, Killsaw

Painboy: Grot Orderly, Killsaw

1501 8/8 cp

03-14-2018, 09:06 PM
Both of these games were super close!

Unexpectedly, I was really happy to get to bust out my boyz. I do wish I had more opportunity to play them since we do have such a huge army, I'd be interested to see how they play against other armies and different ways to build the ork list out.

Either way...... I think this was obviously a super close game. I got way lucky with my mek guns and big guns. I like them in theory but a couple bad rolls really messes up their usefulness. I think if that's the plan, you take a bunch of them since they are so cheap. Getting 3 Zzap guns together could be really deadly. The Shokk attack gun was fantastic. I never used one before in 8th and I was delighted how well it worked. I wanna try the tellyport blasta next. See?! There's just so much to try!

But yeah, anyway, I love the fact that it came down to the tau needing to punch Ghaz to death to win. I almost wish they had pulled it off.

Great game yesterday and today.