View Full Version : Audio Books

08-30-2010, 02:30 PM
Does anyone know if they are ever going to put the Audio books (which suck, should be in paper as well) in paper form. I can understand doing audio books, but to not put them in paper I do not understand.

08-30-2010, 08:43 PM
As I understand it, the reasons from not putting the audio books into print is because they are so short.

Most of them are only around 90 minutes long, spoken. (I forget where I heard it, but I think the script for the Gotrek and Felix "Slayer of the Storm God" was something like 67 pages).

Maybe one day, if they do enough audiobooks under a similar enough topic, they could make them into cheap $10-15 anthologies. But, as it stands, it wouldn't be worth the time or money for them to print the 50-80 page short stories.

08-31-2010, 06:46 AM
Average running time for the Black Library Audio books is only 75 mins. Bare in mind that several of these are actually collections of stories as well. All of the audio books BL have currently produced would barely be enough to print a short stories collection at the moment, so there is currently no plan to release them in print.

If you ever get chance to look at novels in audio book form, they are usually 3 or 4 CDs, often more. At the moment it is still a new technology for BL and they are still getting used to the process of it. Maybe once they have a few more under their belt they will consider longer books or printing the current books on paper.

Personnally I'd prefer to see some of their current novels, especially those from the Horus Heresy series, turned in to audio books. Only problem is that they would be about ten times the cost of the printed versions the way BL do their audio books currently, as opposed to other publishing companies which manage to produce audio book versions of novels for only about twice the cost.