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View Full Version : Kitchen Battles - Death Guard Vs Salamander Primaris

01-30-2018, 06:18 AM
Last night the roommate (Hi Coffee_Grinder) and I did a 1750 point 95 PL battle. His Primaris Salamanders detachment vs my Death Guard. He conceded at the bottom of 3 due to overwhelming force on the field.

A couple of takeaways

Fire Raptor is TOO powerful without an answer on the other side of the table. For 19 PL it was able to draw the fire and ire of about 27 PL of units and basically ignore them even in Hover Mode.

The Suppurating Plate is an IMPRESSIVE piece of Kit especially on a DP of Nurgle with wings. 9 PL and 180 points made for a mobile highly survivable monster. At one point he weathered the full fire of a Redemptor Dread, A group of flamestorm agressors (44 hits from them alone) A 5 man squad of Hellblasters, a handful of Captains, Lts, and ancients and a 10 man Intercessor squad. Between his 2+ 5++ and 5+ FNP he took a sum total of 1 unanswered wound.

I think that Flyers need some more work. In a similar manner to Flyers not counting for ObSec and Victory conditions, they probably shouldn't count for the Purposes of the Character Rule. Turn 1 I was able to Roll my DP halfway across the board to set up for a turn 2 charge into the Redemptor and all I did was park my Fire Raptor about 2 inches closer to half of his gunline. (Obviously this is an Edge case as the Fire Raptor is an Aerial Main Battle Tank and other Flyers wouldn't have survived as easily but it still seems like a really silly way to protect a dude.) HA HA! My Supersonic Fighter Jet means that you can't shoot me. Deal with it Corpse-Worshipers!

We both needed to make better use of strategems and I kept forgetting my Psychic Phase. Gah.

01-30-2018, 11:02 AM
Do you have your lists handy to post up or link? I'd be interested to see them both.

FW units aren't really thick on the ground around here - at least in the games I've played - and the more I read about them or see them in other games, the happier I am for that fact. It's like they're operating on a ruleset where unit stats are inflated by about 10% :p (INB4 confirmation bias accusations :D )

Also, in your example, I don't think it's the flyer that's the issue there. You would be able to achieve the same character-screening result with any other unit, too, right?

Still, and despite the fact that Chaos won (which, let's be honest, even Chaos players don't want to see), I hope it was a good, fun game :D

01-30-2018, 12:37 PM
While any unit could screen, I decided I wanted a beefy unit to screen the DP on approach after I saw what that side of the table looked like and was able to move a unit 45 inches to set up that screen without strategem shenanigans OR advancing because flyer. While we don't see that a lot in battle reports it seems like a really effective oh **** I need a screener strategy. In other words I moved and advanced my DP 17 inches into the common board area (since its faster than anything else that could have screened for it) it brought me into range of MOST of Coffee's left side and I fixed my error in one 45 degree turn and 40 inch movement ignoring large terrain pieces with impunity.

What's interesting to me is that in the Specific Case of the fire raptor when the "in house" FW rules team costed him he cost about the same as a Kitted out Knight Titan or even Morty. That felt fair to me. He cost the same as a similarly power leveled LoW and played like one even though he was a Flyer.

Then the "prime" rules team got a hold of the unit and reduced its overall cost by almost 100 points in chapter approved.

I will try and transcribe our lists during the battle. Before I do I will say that I probably wasn't exactly fair to Coffee and kind of won during list building. 1750 points of Death Guard demon engines and FW bull**** looks a lot different that 1750 of Pure Primaris.

01-30-2018, 01:32 PM
Oh yeah, I get why your flyer screen was do good, but I just consider it good generalship and use of your units (TAKE YOUR PRAISE, NAV! :D) rather than flyers being OP. I could even see the case for a rule stating you can choose to ignore a closer flyer in favor of a unit on the ground, even if it's a character... but that said, I really don't want aircraft to be slammed back onto the shelf by a raft of nerfs, you know?

1750 points of Death Guard demon engines and FW bull**** looks a lot different that 1750 of Pure Primaris.

LOL. It's like 10,000 intercessors, when all you need is a Astra Mil tank regiment. Or rain on your wedding day.

01-31-2018, 11:40 AM
The Suppurating Plate

I dunno what that is, but based on what you're saying, I want one.

Flyers [...] shouldn't count for the Purposes of the Character Rule.

That's actually a pretty clever idea.

01-31-2018, 01:55 PM
I dunno what that is, but based on what you're saying, I want one

Its the Death Guard Relic armor. Gives a 2+ save and every time it passes a save in the fight phase the bearer rolls a d6. On a 4+ the attacker suffers a mortal Wound after all their attacks are resolved. On a Deamon Prince with Wings it turns them into a beefy mortal Wound dispensing blender of death. Especially if you make them your warlord, take dual Maleific Talons and give them living plague (the mini Mortarion ability) and take Blades of Putrification as their psychic power.