View Full Version : Let us talk comics!

08-28-2010, 02:32 PM
So I just finished watching the new Ultramarines trailer and I have got to say I am excited. I love the 40K universe and I like to see it in video games, books, and movies now, but it got me wondering why no 40k comics? I mean it would be awesome right?!?! To see spacemarines fighting against ALL of the threats to the emperium of man. I want to see some space marines fighting against tau, necrons, and Dark Eldar! Why is it they always get the cold shoulder? Wouldn't it be sweet to see a 40K comic book that took a look at every army? Even a Warhammer fantasy comic book would be sweet! So what do you the reader and FAN think?

08-28-2010, 03:28 PM
There have been 40K comics and graphic novels back to Rogue Trader. End of, bye bye.

08-28-2010, 07:04 PM

Like Button = pressed

08-28-2010, 09:49 PM
check your local comic book stores for back issues


08-29-2010, 02:33 AM
my local libiary has a few :P and look on amazon for "DICTATO" or the like :P also arnt there the BLOODQUeST series in the BA black libiray book of blood??

Petite Francois
09-02-2010, 08:15 AM
I've never seen a 40K comic first hand, but I know there is an older book 'Daemonifuge' that features a Sister of Battle Character that I would like to read. But on Amazon.com the (highest) price for a first print run copy was 300 dollars?! Eek! Admittedly most copies seem to go for a lot less, but still...this isn't Superman #1!

Saw some gorgeous pics that I think came from a Black Templars comic.

Anyway, the Ultramarine trailer has me real excited too! Most people I talked to said the animation was inferior to the intros of Dawn of War and were apathetic, but I like the hype! Less grim dark, more Imperial heroes! Let's hear it for mankind!

"...and the greatest of these are the ULTRAMARINES."

Yeah! I am building a second army now, Space Marines! I was going to do Ultras because of the trailer but went with Knights of Blood.

Yeah, the only thing as inspiring as the Ultramarines trailer is 'Dawn of Awesome' on YouTube, ha ha:) I want to make Blood Ravens with little pipe cleaner arms and legs and a commander Boreale with a Crayon Shin-chan head.