View Full Version : Night Lord's 2000pts competitive

01-20-2018, 04:53 PM
Chaos space marine battalion +3cp


Chaos Lord w/power fist/plasma pistol/

Dark Apostle w/black mace/plasma pistol/


Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought w/butcher cannon/

Hellforged Sicaran w/heavy bolter sponsons/


5 Chaos Space Marines w/plasma gun/combi plasma/

5 Chaos Space Marines w/plasma gun/combi plasma/

5 Chaos Space Marines w/plasma gun/combi plasma/

Fast Attack

5 Raptors w/3 plasma pistols/1 power sword/MoN/icon of despair/

Dedicated Transports

Rhino w/havoc launcher/

Rhino w/havoc launcher/

Rhino w/havoc launcher/

Vanguard formation +1cp


Chaos Sorcerer w/plasma pistol/


5 Chaos Terminators w/5 combi plasma/MoN/icon of despair

5 Chaos Terminators w/5 combi plasma/MoN/icon of despair

5 Chosen w/combi bolters/

Dedicated Transports

Rhino w/havoc launcher/

The chaos Lord will be my warlord, I considered taking Lord of terror as my warlod trait, but since he is not dropping into combat with my Terminators I will be going with the Night Lord's Legion Specific warlord trait. I will put my lord in the rhino with the combi bolter chosen. I plan to also put my Sorcerer as well as my dark Apostle in rhino's with my chaos space marine units. The Sorcerer will use warptime in prescience. The Contemptor will use the butcher cannon to apply more leadership modifying shenanigans. The Terminators will deepstrike onto the battlefield with combi plasma. The raptors will deepstrike onto the battlefield to tie up heavy support units. I plan to fight according to the 8th legions doctrine avoid units that are not good matchups for my army and whittle them down with shooting. I have 22 plasma weapons in my army if my count is correct. Thank you all for the advise on my previous posts, and I look forward to your critique of my modified list.