View Full Version : True Scale Marine WIP

08-27-2010, 03:10 PM
*More Pics up today! 08/28*Thanks you to Lamenter's wonderful guide, I decided to try this out. I am really pleased with the results so far, and if stays this way, I've got plans for it.. Already been asked if I am up for making a couple others when I'm finished, A Black Templar Marshall, A Techmarine (seriously thinking about trying to replicate the picture of the Master of the Forge from the 'dex) and a command squad (tentatively on this one..not sure about making the apothecary just yet). Thought I'd share the picture of him so far. He's pictured with my AOBR Sgt. (who's destined to be an Imperial Fist). How's he look so far?


Not sure what to do with the right arm just yet. I drilled it out, and am thinking about possibly making him a standard bearer, or giving him a wpn and do him up to make him a commander. Any votes for chapter? I am thinking Blood Ravens, Salamanders, maybe even a smurf, or one of their subchapters.

08-27-2010, 03:20 PM
red scorpions...red scorpions...red scorpions...red scorpions...

08-27-2010, 05:41 PM
Thanks you to Lamenter's wonderful guide...

You're most welcome. :D

I vote Red Scorpion - it's your username, the colour scheme is pretty awesome and forgeworld are showing plenty of support to the chapter (possibility of some nice bits).

08-27-2010, 06:47 PM
In absence of Space Wolves, I voted for Red Scorpions hehehe

08-27-2010, 06:52 PM
In absence of Space Wolves, I voted for Red Scorpions hehehe

LoL. I didn't want to do something that would clutter it up with pelts and the like, with my first True Scale.. This way I can use him for a guide for future ones, as Lamenter had a great suggestion with that one. Oh, and I totally forgot about them when I made the list too, oops:eek:

08-28-2010, 02:06 AM
LoL. I didn't want to do something that would clutter it up with pelts and the like, with my first True Scale.. This way I can use him for a guide for future ones, as Lamenter had a great suggestion with that one. Oh, and I totally forgot about them when I made the list too, oops:eek:

Sure, I hope in the future Space Puppies can also have a model of your own!!


08-28-2010, 12:53 PM
Sure, I hope in the future Space Puppies can also have a model of your own!!


:) In due time Calgar, possibly a lone wolf done at true scale. Don't play my SW's anymore so that one's a hard one to justify.

But more pics!!

Backpack, shown with a regular one:

08-28-2010, 01:03 PM
Sculpting finished on the torso


Side shot of mocked up mini, Right Side, currently wearing Red Scorpion Bits:


Side shot of mocked up mini, Left Side, currently wearing Red Scorpion bits:


08-28-2010, 01:04 PM
Two different front angles of the mini:



08-29-2010, 05:48 AM
I like it so much, but that torso needs more modelling!!

Specially on the lowest part (the tubes)

08-30-2010, 03:56 AM
I like it so much, but that torso needs more modelling!!

Specially on the lowest part (the tubes)

I'd second that. The chest needs to be extended downward over the abdomen. At the moment he looks too stretched.