View Full Version : Movement after disembarking 'open-topped'

08-27-2010, 01:10 PM
I want to make sure I am reading the rules right regarding Orks.

An open-topped Ork transport (ie: trukk or battlewagon) allows the Orks to disembark AND assault (BRB p.70). However, they do NOT get to move that phase, but CAN shoot (BRB p 67). Additionally, instead of shooting, the Orks would be allowed to run during their shooting phase.

So in application... Trukk or BW moves 12" + Orks disembark 2" + Orks run (up to) 6" + WAAAAGH and Assault 6" = Potential for Orks to get into CC within 26".

That is pretty decent in comparison with SM/CSM Landraiders which only get a total of 20".

Am I reading this right or am I out to lunch?

08-27-2010, 01:16 PM
Your right.

Mycroft Holmes
08-27-2010, 01:22 PM
Unless the SM player runs Shrike who gives all units with Combat Tactics the Fleet USR.

08-27-2010, 01:29 PM
Your understanding of the rules is spot on.

Your comparison as fair compared to MEQ/LR is only true in the case of reach. Most people with any sense only use LRs to mount things that would eat the 20 max orks you can fit in a Battlewagon for a sort of palate cleansing sorbet before moving onto the main event of bloody, rare steak.

08-27-2010, 02:08 PM
Unless the SM player runs Shrike who gives all units with Combat Tactics the Fleet USR.

Den da Orks just paints em RED! 27" WAAAAGH!!!!

08-27-2010, 02:15 PM
Dark eldar are kings of uber assault range if you roll the 12" charges for your wyches this happens

12" move + 2" disembark + 6" run + 12" assault (thanks to fleet) = 32" of attack range yay!

08-27-2010, 02:28 PM
Dark eldar are kings of uber assault range if you roll the 12" charges for your wyches this happens

12" move + 2" disembark + 6" run + 12" assault (thanks to fleet) = 32" of attack range yay!

Unless the wytches have special rules regarding assault, you are mixing things up. Fleet lets you assault after running so you are looking at:

12" Move + 2" Disembark + d6" Run + 6" Assault = 21-26" assault range.

08-27-2010, 02:28 PM
Dark eldar are kings of uber assault range if you roll the 12" charges for your wyches this happens

12" move + 2" disembark + 6" run + 12" assault (thanks to fleet) = 32" of attack range yay!

I know nothing about Dark Eldar (never even seen one in real life), so how does fleet give them a 12" assault?

08-27-2010, 02:42 PM
Fleet allows them to assault after running. The 12" assault is due to one of the effects of combat drugs they roll randomly for before the beginning of the game.

08-27-2010, 03:23 PM
Fleet allows them to assault after running. The 12" assault is due to one of the effects of combat drugs they roll randomly for before the beginning of the game.

Ah, yes, the combat drugs. But that's only a 1 in 6 chance of happening, I think.

Still, you are correct with that. :)

08-28-2010, 02:32 AM
Ah, yes, the combat drugs. But that's only a 1 in 6 chance of happening, I think.

yes there is only a one in 6 chance for the wyches unless they are leliths retinue who can choose the drug...

or with an archon/archite who just decides to take 12" assault as well as the normal drugs he takes which is rather awesome when pointing him at ... well pretty much anything :)

08-28-2010, 09:24 AM
Ah, yes, the combat drugs. But that's only a 1 in 6 chance of happening, I think.

Still, you are correct with that. :)

Unless you want to get a combat drug dispenser for the succubus in the unit, then it is 100% of the time.

But that is rarely worth the extra points, honestly.

Dark Eldar can get up to 35" assault range if you know all the dirty little tricks with the rules :)

- edit -

I know what people are going to say to this post. In the hopes of not derailing this thread, my answer to your questions can be found in this thread.


08-28-2010, 09:41 AM
Something tells me that will be going away to some effect


08-29-2010, 03:11 PM
I want to make sure I am reading the rules right regarding Orks.

An open-topped Ork transport (ie: trukk or battlewagon) allows the Orks to disembark AND assault (BRB p.70). However, they do NOT get to move that phase, but CAN shoot (BRB p 67). Additionally, instead of shooting, the Orks would be allowed to run during their shooting phase.

So in application... Trukk or BW moves 12" + Orks disembark 2" + Orks run (up to) 6" + WAAAAGH and Assault 6" = Potential for Orks to get into CC within 26".

That is pretty decent in comparison with SM/CSM Landraiders which only get a total of 20".

Am I reading this right or am I out to lunch?

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but only units with the FLEET USR can Run, then Assault, whether disembarking or not. I'm not sure there are any Ork units with FLEET, so that means only 20" effective charge range. Though they can still shoot, of course.

08-29-2010, 04:21 PM
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but only units with the FLEET USR can Run, then Assault, whether disembarking or not. I'm not sure there are any Ork units with FLEET, so that means only 20" effective charge range. Though they can still shoot, of course.

If you call a WAAAAGH you get the Fleet USR for that turn.

08-31-2010, 04:54 AM
Isn't there a point the WAAAGH has to be called? I remember reading in the codex that the WAAAGH had to be called at the start of shooting or something like that. I am in Afghanistan or I would consult the codex :).

08-31-2010, 06:41 AM
Isn't there a point the WAAAGH has to be called? I remember reading in the codex that the WAAAGH had to be called at the start of shooting or something like that. I am in Afghanistan or I would consult the codex :).

P 31 C:Orks "An Ork player can declare a WAAAGH! during his shooting phase".

That would lead me to believe that I can even wait till all my running is complete to declare. Probably a bit too tactical and planny for Orks fluff wise, but it allows you to make sure your run moves put you close enough to assault before committing.

08-31-2010, 10:21 AM
P 31 C:Orks "An Ork player can declare a WAAAGH! during his shooting phase".

That would lead me to believe that I can even wait till all my running is complete to declare. Probably a bit too tactical and planny for Orks fluff wise, but it allows you to make sure your run moves put you close enough to assault before committing.


Egg on my face...

I have been telling people it is declared at the start of the shooting phase...

I feel bad for leading so many new Ork players astray!

Thank you for learning me some new dope knowledge, son!

08-31-2010, 01:39 PM

Egg on my face...

I have been telling people it is declared at the start of the shooting phase...

I feel bad for leading so many new Ork players astray!

Thank you for learning me some new dope knowledge, son!

Don't give me credit just yet. I made that post on my way out the door to work this morning. The rule is poorly written (gasp!) and may require further examination.

All references are p31 C:Orks. There are other parts of the rule, but I am only listing what is relevant. All emphasis is mine.

"Once per game, the Ork player can declare a WAAAAGH! during his shooting phase".
"For the duration of that turn, all friendly Ork infantry units have the 'fleet of foot' special rule".

Here is the weird part...
"If a unit rolls a 1 when making this WAAAGH! movement... One model from that unit takes a single wound... the unit may still move an inch and assault as normal".

So, WTF?

The rule INDICATES that the WAAAAGH must be declared at the start of the shooting phase because of the wording in the second paragraph. However, it doesn't tell me I have to. I could make all my run movements, declare a WAAAAGH! and retroactively apply the wound to any units that rolled '1's for their run movement. This would meet the explicit wording of each section of the rule without changing the end result very much.

Does this meet GW's intent? I dunno. They don't mention it in the FAQ and I'm not a mind reader, so I just go with what is written.

So Buffo, I think your explanation to new players is the simplest way to apply the rule, but I think there is wiggle room for those who care to dig deeper.

08-31-2010, 04:55 PM
Double egg then...