View Full Version : Back Problems

08-26-2010, 12:14 AM
I've sprained a vertebrae in my lower spine!
Currently having a lot of painful treatment to get me mobile again.

But long term, this means I can't sit for long periods.
To make things worse, I've got a lovingly detailed Space Wolves army which I was planning to add to.

I can't continue with my current army, as I need to be hunched over my desk to do the freehand work needed.

To continue with the hobby, I'd need to start a force that's quick to build and paint -preferably standing up or sitting up straight with little bending.

So, I could start my Space Wolves from scratch using regular Space Marines with bare space wolf heads, which would be base coated dark grey, drybrushed a lighter grey, then have the silver bits painted and washed black. No idea what I'd do about squad markings!

Or, I could try some Army Painter style (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AnDNL-2Jgqk/SnZKxjz_JRI/AAAAAAAAACg/a9iHkffL9T8/s1600/ork.jpg)spray, colour, dip and matt varnish techniques. Squad markings wouldn't have to be so neat, so I could do these standing up.

Anyone else had a similar problem or could offer some advice for someone who can't sit for long periods and may need to paint with a spray can or standing up?

08-26-2010, 01:17 AM
Can you take a tray to bed, and paint laying down with your back against pillows? I know people who do this, much to the chagrin of their wives, lol.

08-26-2010, 01:33 AM
Afraid not. I need to be sitting upright or standing.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
08-26-2010, 02:45 AM
I know your pain, i have prolapsed disks in the lower spine that will never heal. So each day you live with pain, after a while you sort of get used to it.

Ok for suggestions, i would look into a back brace for tempory support, they help keep your back ridged in place, painkillers of course but try to limit yourself on those. As you can easily fall victom to them and you would be suprised how soon the body can draw a tolerance to them... so be careful ok.

Go see a specialist of your not already doing so for muscle strengthening excersises you can do while sitting and standing, some are as simple as flexing certain muscle groups in your stomach.
I find that when i got injured you can get a hold of those chairs wthout backs that are designed to alogn your back upright, look into that aswell.
If that doesnt help, trust me you can still paint laying flat on your back if need be, its possible.

The idea for those army painter paints is a great idea, ive not really got into them yet, but i like how they work, i only use the spray colours available atm, damn GW for stopping there ranges of Spray cans awhile ago.
Good luck with your back, never take it for granted and hope all works out well.

08-26-2010, 03:17 AM
Thanks for the morale support, but I'm visiting a chiropractor every other day and doing a series of exercises.

This is more a "help me choose an army that's easy to paint" question than a back pain question. I just didn't know how to incorporate my thoughts into a good title.

08-26-2010, 04:37 AM
Tau obviously don't have a lot of freehand detail, nor do Vanilla Marines. Guess Necrons are always another option as well!

And i'll add my sypathies as well. Hope you recover soon

08-26-2010, 05:00 AM
Tyranids the king of spray and dip armies!

08-26-2010, 05:19 AM
As someone who once slipped L4/L5 you have my sympathies. Mymain advice would be to follow the chios advice to the letter- i didn't and it added about 6 months onto my suffering. Your back should take priority over painting.

Necrons- spray silver you're done or marines maybe and detail them when you're i n better shape?

08-26-2010, 08:18 AM
I'd vote for Tyranids. Updated codex, so they can compete well on the table. As well as the fact that they really only need two colors. One color for the skin and carapace, one color for the armor. While this practice won't win you any painting competitions, it will allow you to put a painted army on the table in short order.

Kelbor hal
08-26-2010, 10:24 AM
I consolidate the viotes for Tyranids or Necrons. However, logic dictates that as Daemons have no "true" colours and can appear whatever hue they desire, they too could be an easy army to paint if you so wished.