View Full Version : Cover in Combat

08-24-2010, 07:33 AM
You know, I've never used cover saves in close combat in the past, its normally armour, invulnerable, Fnp, or nothing.

and I've played in competitions and loads of games with my local gaming group, it's never been an issue.

Whilst writing up my Nid competition list I stumbled across the venomthrope's special rule: Toxic Miasma

where the enemy models in base to base contact must take a toughness test, with armour saves allowed but no cover save.

So was I alone in thinking that in close combat cover saves were nullified (or just too hard to call)?

08-24-2010, 07:48 AM
You don't take cover saves in close combat.

It's either just a typo of overthinking (or clarification); or it's because it's a special ability used in base contact and not a literal close combat attack, and they wanted to make it clear.

08-24-2010, 09:35 AM
I'm glad you said that, makes me feel less stupid lol

Reading that caused my brain to have a moment.

Definately a strange one though.

08-24-2010, 10:04 AM
The Assault rules specifically state that Cover Saves cannot be taken in Close Combat. However, as Old Paladin mentioned, the Venomthrope's Toxic Miasma isn't a close combat attack, per se. So, the need for clarification as to whether Cover Saves are permitted.