View Full Version : 1500 daemon army

08-24-2010, 06:49 AM
Below is my first stab at a 1,500pt Daemon list which I have almost finished bulding (you may have seen some of the WIP models in other threads). I like to model pretty much all the army before playing so I haven't tested it much at all yet.

It focuses on including as many of my favourite centrpiece models as I can squeeze in so has lots of points in my four main models (one for each god, sort of if I pretend the Soul Grinder is nurgle affiliated). I also like variety even if it is less tactically effective which is why all four gods are represented.

I'm certainly not a WAAC player but I don't fancy getting completely mashed into the dirt either and would be grateful for comments. I'm not going to radically redo the whole thing, but I have time to make some changes here and there.

Skarbrand (cohort 1)
Lord of Change (cohort 1)

3 Fiends (cohort 2)
3 Bloodcrushers (cohort 2)

6 Daemonettes (cohort 2)
7 Plaguebearers (cohort 1)
8 Bloodletters (cohort 2)
9 Horrors (w/changeling, icon, and bolt) (cohort 1)

Daemon princess (MoS, Aura of Acquiesence [grenades]) (cohort 2)
Soul Grinder (cohort 1)

1,500 points on the nose but only 40 models

Tactics as far as they go is to have Skarbrand amp up my Slaanesh and Khorne units. the Tzeentch units to pick on some tanks and provide a beachhead for the second wave and the Plaguebearers/Soul Grinder to squat on an objective or support a refused flank.

It's a little light on anti-tank firepower but has lots of monstrous creature/S10 CC attacks. Fiends and Khorne daemons can also take down light transports in combat fairly easily.

08-24-2010, 07:39 AM
That's a decent little list you have there. I like the look of four god armies but it doesn't always work well. If you're going to be running Skarbrand in 1500pts there are some changes I would make. For one that Lord of Change is basically worthless without upgrades, and most would argue that you'd be better off sucking it up and taking the Fateweaver but neither work well in your list. For one they price out higher than Land Raiders and with Skarbrand around their CC suck gets even worse. I would take either a Keeper of Secrets, Bloodthirster, Nurgle Prince or just some more models for fill out your list.

Same thing kind of goes for the Plaguebearers and Horrors, their CC suckage gets so bad that even guardsmen and grots can beat them in CC. With Skarbrand it realy is better to just completely buy into the CC theme, lots of rending will take care of vehciles as well as two bolts ever could. Fiends are nasty, Demonettes become worthwhile, and Seekers do too. Don't take demonettes in such small squads, they have all the resilence of guardsmen, take them in bulk.

I would either buy Iron Hide for the Demon Prince or drop him for a Nurgle or Tzeentch one. A demon prince's stats are so meh to start out with that without some additional protection anything can kill him. I hope this helps a bit

08-24-2010, 01:21 PM
Drop that Lord of Change get 2x Tzeentch Heralds on Chariot with Bolt and Breath, give them Legion and master of sorcery. This is a common build I've seent that will significantly boost anti-tank.

Drop that Soul Grinder, as the only tank in your whole army every melta and every lascannon will aim at him the moment he appears. He will most likely only fire once.

Use those points to buy another daemon prince or increase the size of the daemonette/bloodletter squads (they're too small).

Otherwise looks good to me!

08-25-2010, 06:42 PM
Drop that Lord of Change get 2x Tzeentch Heralds on Chariot with Bolt and Breath, give them Legion and master of sorcery. This is a common build I've seent that will significantly boost anti-tank.

Ugggggghhhhhh..... I hate throwing that advice on people. Yes it works but there are other ways to throw in anti-tank. Nobody ever takes fast attack, get some decent looking proxies or cough up and get some screamers, they are dead awesome at popping tanks or denying objectives when you end up getting the wrong half of your army in.

I feel like the flavor and heart of the Demons of Chaos army are the Greater Demons. Realistically the only armor value that spooks me and my demons is AV 14 - and thats if there's more than one of them running around. In 1500pts you wont find that often, 2000pts yah a bit more. Soul Grinders, Horrors with Bolt, Greater Demons, Demon Prince, Screamers, Fiends, and of course Tzeentch Heralds all pop armor with grace. Don't crap down your leg and buy into the Tzeentch Herald unless thats the look you want for your army.

Unzuul the Lascivious
09-01-2010, 03:36 AM
Anti tank is a problem for daemons, but it can be overcome. One way here is to forget about the Daemonettes, upgrade the Lord of Change to Kairos and sink what's left into Plaguebearers. Have Your Plagueys advance down one flank with Kairos, shielding either the Bloodcrushers and Skarbrand or the Daemon Princess and the Fiends. The Plaguebearers will benefit from Kairos' reroll save rule, which coupled with Feel No Pain can give them 3 saving throws,effectively! Nice! Kairos can dish out a few shooty spells too. The Plagueys are basically a shield to allow close combat troops to get closer to the enemy with minimal casualties, but also acts as a distraction - if your opponent is using the likes of marines/eldar, they won't have many models to deal with two pronged attacks, and that flank is solid as. Also, most players seem to be unable to stop themselves from advancing, so holding the line can mean your opponent will often manouevure themselves into positions which favour you anyway (especially when facing Wolves or Blood Angels, who all fancy themselves in a scrap!). Just an idea, it worked for me once, although I didn't use Skarbrand. The Plagueys can also be used as a good shield for the Horrors to lay down some unmolested fire. With Kairos, again, the saving throw reroll makes it a whole lot tougher for your guys to go down.