View Full Version : Scratch Buid Question

08-22-2010, 10:05 AM
Saw this at GamesDay 2010 and wondered what percentage of this was G.W. Product?



Things that make you go Hummmm....

08-22-2010, 10:40 AM
hmm i have mixed views about that

if its someone who wanted a titan but wasnt too skilled at scratchbuildning and couldnt afford/ didnt want a warhound (which is perfectly reasonabl) so if thats the case well done whoever you are i hope you gett better at scratchbuilding

on the other hand it could just be one of thoses ones people build so they can have a large number to putt in there sig (gaaahhh dakka i dont care if youve got a zillion points of death core id rather 500 points of nicely painted smurfs.) and quicky built a titan and hurridly painted it to show off.

( i remember looking at this banelord on warseer/dakka and it was FANtaSTIC and well painted, and some idiot commented something like "thats ****e my warlords twice the size" : his warlord was made from toilet roll tubes duck taped on a cereal box with no customization effort or detailing and not a drop of paint.)

ill say if you put effort into it and tried your best WELL DONE :P :D :cool:

08-22-2010, 11:02 AM
Technically, a scratch build would be 0% GW items, so this is fine as a scratch build. It's a Kitbash that requires being part GW product ;-)

John M.

08-22-2010, 01:38 PM
There's something wrong about that...

I know what's bothering me.
Space Marines aren't allowed to have titans!

It's a clear violation of the post-heresy compacts, which limit the power and influence of Chapters.

08-22-2010, 05:48 PM
I know we all complain about Forge Worlds prices but when they go from one extreme to another like with this new range of economy Titans you have to think they've gone a little far...

08-22-2010, 06:14 PM
I know we all complain about Forge Worlds prices but when they go from one extreme to another like with this new range of economy Titans you have to think they've gone a little far...

Soon, Space Marines will be left abandoned in the desolate wastelands of the twelve year old's bedroom, as these god machines come to the fore, their brightly adorned carapaces not bearing the scars of a thousand battles, but masterpieces of the Imperium's finest artificers.

Or maybe not. They might be striking as part of a union action for a pay rise. Who knows?

08-22-2010, 06:14 PM
There's something wrong about that...

I know what's bothering me.
Space Marines aren't allowed to have titans!

It's a clear violation of the post-heresy compacts, which limit the power and influence of Chapters.

...It might be a titan crewed by actual smurfs? The cartoon type?

Lord Anubis
08-23-2010, 02:16 PM
There's something wrong about that...

I know what's bothering me.
Space Marines aren't allowed to have titans!

Those pictures are probably a good argument that Space Marines still don't have titans... ;)

08-24-2010, 01:40 AM
Make it go away, it hurts my eyes.

08-24-2010, 07:32 AM
Well... :o

If this is the 1st attempt at scratch building, they should be congratulated for picking such a "large" project
While I agree, Smurfs can't have Titans, they CAN have Titan allies! (I have 2 Wolfhounds supporting my Space Wolves - it just seemed "right"!) ;)
I think the builder should be ENCOURAGED to improve upon the original design/build - not brow-beaten about it.
I think as a "proxy", it's much better than some of the "other substitutes" I've seen. Notepad Paper wings taped on to a Tyranid Lord comes to mind.

I think that not knowing anything about the builder, I wouldn't want to comment too harshly against it. Circumstance, Physical handicaps, age, skill levels - all are valid possabilities for explaining the, umm, Quality of the piece!

Let's face it! We all knew WHAT it was. That is what is important about any scratch build. :cool:

08-24-2010, 11:39 AM
I think that not knowing anything about the builder, I wouldn't want to comment too harshly against it.

I didn't say anything about the quality, I really really dislike that style Warlord Titan. The Ultra symbol didn't help either.

I seriously doubt that anybody (over 12 years old) at my local GW store would have displayed that model at Games Day. In store yes but general public no.

08-24-2010, 06:11 PM
What about this one? (not mine, made by a member of our group)

Still needs some work, but everyone here likes it. Based on the original epic-scaled Warlord.

08-25-2010, 12:14 AM
Much better than the Games day one.

Al least it is three dimensional and extra points for creative use of lamp reflectors.

08-25-2010, 02:00 PM
I didn't say anything about the quality, I really really dislike that style Warlord Titan. The Ultra symbol didn't help either.

I seriously doubt that anybody (over 12 years old) at my local GW store would have displayed that model at Games Day. In store yes but general public no.
Regarding the Style, I don't mind the "newest" Warlord. Hated the 1st EPIC revision after the Turtle-back. This one hasn't got bad proportions for the body. Guns definitely need some Mega-Sizing! ;)

Unfortunately, I HAVE seen stuff like that (and worse) used in tournaments. It's disappointing sometimes when you see something like that across the table after you've spent 100+ hours on an army to get it to "tournament standards". But then, it's probably not going to get into the painting prizes either.

Like I said - at least we know what it is!

What about this one? (not mine, made by a member of our group)

Still needs some work, but everyone here likes it. Based on the original epic-scaled Warlord.
I liked the old Turtle-back Warlord - and this seems like it's well on its way to becoming a faithful reproduction. Pass on our Congrats and Good luck with the build! I'd like to see what it's like when they're finished.

08-25-2010, 02:07 PM
blind do you mean the current one i love that :D

my early 40k experiances with titans was DICTATO gawd that was cool my local libiray has :

ice guard
inquisitor acendant (by mr. abnett)


if you ever have a chance to flick through do so (its older than me ... probably) its amazing and i prefer it to the apoc book one AND the classic turtle, also i love how its a chiar rather than a bottle which the princeps is pluggedd into (unlike titanicus)

but anyways gwnes dad if that thing gets painted stick up some photos please :D

Night System
08-26-2010, 05:29 PM
What about this one? (not mine, made by a member of our group)

Still needs some work, but everyone here likes it. Based on the original epic-scaled Warlord.

I love that.

Its good because it is a good preportionate size in comparison to the rest of the models,

All these ones which are bigger than people are far to much, even an Imperator, which if made to scale by via 28mm and the height measurements given by GW shouldnt go much past my hip.

08-26-2010, 11:20 PM
IIRC the Titans made by Armorcast were about 6.5 times the size of the Epic models. The Forgeworld Reaver Titan is only a couple inches taller than the Armorcast version. I don't have the measurements handy but the Mk-I Warlord should be about 24" tall and Imperator about double that.

08-27-2010, 07:09 AM
I love that.

Its good because it is a good preportionate size in comparison to the rest of the models,

All these ones which are bigger than people are far to much, even an Imperator, which if made to scale by via 28mm and the height measurements given by GW shouldnt go much past my hip.

I'm not sure, I kind of like this Imperator:
