View Full Version : Notes from the Dan Abnett Panel at Games Day

08-22-2010, 09:18 AM

My recollections from Dan's panel yesterday.

1. He is planning the current Gaunts Ghosts story arc to be 4 books (Blood Pact being the first), and stated in response to a question that he planned at least another arc of books (# unknown, thereafter). He stated that while the arc is called "The Victory" but then said that he hadn't whose victory, implying to me that it could go in favor of Chaos.

2. He has thought of doing a prequel series tentatively called "Cadet Guant", which would start well before First and Only. This series concept is apparently known as "Baby Gaunt" around the BL offices.

3. He has sketched out notes for the third Inquisitor trilogy (aka: Eisenhorn vs. Ravenor, or Bequin) - but has not started to read it.

4. He stated he would like to do a second Horus Heresy book on the Alpha Legion, one that would speak to the 'other big secret' linked to the ending of Legion. No further details on this, obviously.

5. The BL 'High Lords of Terra' council (as he called it) of senior BL authors (whose ranks recently include Gav Thorpe and Aaron Dempski Bowden) has not yet settled on how to end the HH series. There's talk of a trilogy for the Battle of Terra. Abnett did state - with repeated 'this is all hypothetical' caveats - that he could see an arc where ever HH author got to pen their own book on the final battle.

6. Abnett stated he's insisted on writing a book on the Harrowing that follows the Battle for Terra -- but did admit that the HH series does have a finite ending.

7. Originally, he'd planned to write the Thousand Sons side of the Battle for Prospero. He admits that he found the Space Wolves hard to translate into fiction from the tabletop without going into parody. Space Vikings, as he called them. The more he thought about it and talked with Graham McNeill, however, the more he apparently realized he needed to flesh out the SW in fiction so as to note make them flat in his work on the Thousand Sons -- and this eventually led to his writing Prospero, rather than Thousand Sons. He also stated that all of the traits about the SW you know and love - eg: drinking in the meadhall - are still there, but are offered different insights into the 'why' of such things.

8. The Thirteenth Company is in Prospero, but they are apparently not the main focus. The primary POV is from a Human Conservator (think Archaeologist), and the other as-yet-unnamed SW characters are apparently not from the 13th Co. Abnett stated he wanted to give a sense of the whole chapter, however, so we will see them, i guess.

9. He tends not to read science fiction for leisure, stating he's worked in sci-fi for so long that he can see how it's all put together - as he stated 'i can see the strings'.

10. He stated he'd like to write a book about the 40k universe dealing with aliens, since he's only written about Chaos so far.

11. He also stated he'd like to write about an established space marine chapter. According to him, writing Iron Snakeswas 'cheating' because he got to make it all up (ie: he didn't have to stick to established traits, etc.)

08-22-2010, 04:10 PM
@#11: Black Templars, please!

08-22-2010, 06:28 PM
I like this, I really do.

Abnett is probably one of the best SciFi authors I've had the pleasure of reading, ranking up there with Alastair Reynolds, Iain M. Banks and Ken McLeod.

The fact that he wants to spread out his writing talent towards things that aren't inherently Imperium based means that I am a happy, happy man. He is by far one of a select few authors that I would gladly shell out my RL monies towards hardbacks for.

08-22-2010, 06:56 PM
well put...I was there as well

08-23-2010, 02:13 AM
Another Eldar book would be awesome, another Eisenhorn book would be great to.

08-23-2010, 04:47 PM
Did I miss anything? I'm still trying to figure out what makes Kasper Hauser a joke to the Thousand Sons.

08-24-2010, 10:38 AM
#5 Ok this idea intrigues me multiple views on the battle for Terra? multiple perspectives LOVE IT..
#10 maybe some love for the Eldar?
#11 SPACE SHARKS!!!...I loved iron snakes I was kinda hopeing for some more Iron snakes novels oh well..