View Full Version : True Scale Imperial Fists

08-20-2010, 07:24 PM
Hello All,

Here is a true-scale small force of Imperial Fists (haven't decided if it will be true ImpFist or an offshoot; hence no unit markings).

Here's the size comparison:


The Blue/White SM is from a previous army; their fluff is that two chapters were sent on a crusade; per 40K everything, dire straits ensued. Both chapters suffered heavy casualties and were forced to combine remaining forces, including armor. This chapter (Sons of Something-or-other) still wears mixed colors to honor predecessors. Inquisition suspects they might have mixed geneseed as well...... FYI if anyone is interested, I'm thinking about selling that army for cheap.....



Stern Guard:

You can see I went with the old-school bolters for these hombres.


08-20-2010, 07:29 PM
Here are some remaining True Scale experiments:

I love the shaved scout head, which fits well with the shotgun. Maybe this is a newly promoted scout or something, but I love the old-school 40K where SMs had all sorts of weapons. The servo-skull was just for fun. It might be attached to the Rogue Trader group I'm working on.


And some beefier Crimson Fist-ish:


08-20-2010, 07:30 PM
Also, be advised, there are pics of the Imp Fists tactical marines submitted, but it said that it had to be approved by a moderator or something..

08-21-2010, 01:54 AM
amazing :D

for the IF how did you do them becausei dont think there termi legs :D

08-21-2010, 02:43 AM
Itīs really amazing!!

And itīs done only with milliput and plasticard

08-21-2010, 09:15 AM
Thanks for the kind words; much appreciated from someone who doesn't have a whole lot of folks who are into the same hobby.

Here are some WIP shots; all you need for this is 2 kinds of plasticard, some Green Stuff, and some superglue.

I use an exacto to separate the legs from the hallowed groin area. A great thing about this process is that it leaves you with TONS of possibilities for posing. Think of it as a Space Marine vasectomy, they don't need that area anyway....


The important thing is to cut as little of the threaded area as possible; you'll have to fix that with Green Stuff later, which can be a pain depending on the positioning.

I usually just superglue the plasticard on the legs in a rough square shape, then cut and file it down to size once it's on the model. Be careful at what angle you hold when filing; if you use a right angle you end up with a tapered effect; hold at the same angle as the thigh armor, not the plasticard.

I use the serrated type on the left for the bottom of the boots, and the flat type on the right for the legs and sometimes torso.


I go back and forth on the torsos; sometimes I just a little blob of Green Stuff to give it some height, sometimes I put a piece of Plasticard underneath it. The first is easier, especially for getting a good dynamic pose.

08-21-2010, 09:33 AM
Great stuff! Seems a lot easier than other ways too.


08-21-2010, 09:56 AM
Wow, a very simple and inexpensive way of making your marines bigger!

08-21-2010, 10:07 AM
Don't know if something happened; here are the Tactical Squads (I think some of the poses are good dynamic ones):



08-21-2010, 10:08 AM
And the rest of the family:



Thanks again everyone,

08-21-2010, 02:21 PM
Wow man, thats a really easy conversion! Looks great and makes a big difference...

....Buuuut, Ive gotta shoot some criticism your way. My only hang up is on the boots. I understand thats an easy way to give the marines a boost, but am I the only one who thinks the marines are wearing platform shoes? :p Its just distracting and I was wondering if, during you other experiements, you came up with any other ways to make the marines larger without having to give 'em ol' platformers ;)

08-21-2010, 02:51 PM
I see where you're coming from, but unfortunately unless you want to go the whole termie-leg route, platformers are the way to go.

You can beef up the torso with a couple layers of plasticard on the bottom, but that gets pretty obvious and looks clunky. Let me know if you find a better way!

Thanks dude,

08-22-2010, 07:27 AM
if you want SUPER HUGE marinES (read 2x guardsman size) ive got a way: i was bored and toying about with parts so made a SUPER Scale GK:

ven dread body with the bottom cut off and glued it to a marine torso and sculpted a cloak to cover the space, then made legs with milliput (which wasnt sucsessful if i ever do it again there having a MASSIVE cloak :P) amd if your doing a whole army like that well done yellow AND tru scale

fantastic - fuzz

08-29-2010, 07:58 PM
Hi All,

Here is the second of my Truescale DW allies; the one with the Power Sword is a re-post from another thread; I figured I would combine the two now. I'm trying to go for good aggressive poses (Sword chop/slice and alert tactical marine). Still some minor touching-up to do on both these. Mostly stuff I don't notice until I see it blown up as all-get-out on my monitor....




Next on the block is an Ultramarine (advancing/firing), Space Wolf (leaping/chainsword-ing), and Dark Angel (kneeling/scouting). Although I might take a break from these guys to work on some other conversions (Adept. Mech., Rogue Trader, and DKK).

Comments welcome as always and thanks,

08-30-2010, 09:44 AM
is that an ork ammo clip :eek:
and what chapter is the 2nd marine? the lion head makes me think DA but the tempalar cross thinks BT ??

sweet models tho

08-30-2010, 03:15 PM
No Ork bits here! (looks for inquisitor informer) That would be frowned upon by the DW; unless my boys happen to be a bit radical..... It's from the BA Sang.Guard.

The swordsman is a Black Templar, just a little Mordheim bling.

08-30-2010, 05:26 PM
Oops that's a war hammer fantasy cannon bling I think.

08-31-2010, 09:32 AM
cool it just looked like a tutorial on BOLS/a blog of how to make pre hersy boltguns

09-01-2010, 08:31 AM
Allow me to give some input in the matter, as I have been doing some truescale terminators, and truescale marines are pretty much the same.

Not only is truescale about getting more height, but its also about correcting the proportions of the model. For marines, this means making both the upper and lower parts of the leg about the same length, to do this, there are three methods. One is to cut the leg above the knee, and extend it from there, another is to cut at the hip, which you have done in this thread, the third is to cut it directly in the middle, which I tend to do. Ways to lengthen the leg include two methods. The first is gluing plasticard or plastic from the sprues that the models came on, or using paper clips or some other wire as a pin to drill and glue into the leg, so that you get it extended the length you want. If you do the pinning method, which I do, you will also need to use greenstuff or some other sculpting putty to fill in the gaps and make the leg look whole again.

The second part to making truescale, is extending the torso. Again you can do this by using plasticard, but what I do is I pin the torso to the waist of the legs, using enough pinning wire to get the height I want, and then I usually use a mix of green stuff and brown stuff for filling in and re sculpting the torso armor.

Here's a picture of one of the terminator's I'm working on for my deathwing, you can see the legs and torso are brown from the brownstuff.

Here's a finished termi (i didn't make the legs as thick with this squad, which is something I corrected in the picture above for the next squad), kind of standing next to a necromunda figure, looking at them side-by-side in person the necromunda figure comes up to just over waist height of the terminator.


11-27-2011, 03:15 PM
Very nice true scale models buddy. I like what you did to achieve more accurate size, and I don't see any problem with the platform boots. They strike me as just high enough to achieve better height without looking like something Gene Simmons would wear. I also really like the dynamic poses you've managed in the process. A couple of them are really unique, and they all look very fluid. Great job.

11-27-2011, 03:27 PM
Good hijacking bud.

11-29-2011, 01:48 PM
What was your technique for painting yellow?

01-01-2012, 05:05 PM
I think it was Iyanden, wash with Devlan or Sepia (forget which), go back over with Iyanden, and then maybe 1 or 2 sharp edge highlights with Iyanden and Dheneb Stone.

I like Dheneb as a highlight mix as it makes it lighter but not brighter.

01-23-2012, 06:06 PM
I'm actually starting a very similar project to this. Did you thicken the torso at all? What I see as the original post on this general method did but it is notably extra work, did you?


01-28-2012, 10:18 PM
Sorry for late reply; just got back on.

Nope, didn't thicken the torsos on these. It is alot of work for disputed payoff. That being said, I'm about to start a thread with a new true scale project that I did thicken the torso. I think I used a pretty easy technique. Keep an eye out if interested.

Thanks bud.