View Full Version : First Time TO

12-18-2017, 09:06 AM
I've been asked to organize an AoS tournament in my area that's running during a Comic Con event. The gaming community is pretty small here so we're doing a lot of demo games during the day and then a tournament in the evening. My biggest question is about terrain. I've never quite figured out the "how much is too much" thing. Also need figure out what amount is good for one table and then do some simple algebra from there. Mayhem loves algebra right? Anyway, any suggestions are appreciated.

12-18-2017, 11:12 AM
I'd say you'd want at least one piece of terrain for every 2' x 2'. Mind you, I don't do tournament play anymore, but that is about the absolute minimum you want to have a decent game in my experience.

Good luck with the whole thing, mate. :)

12-19-2017, 10:53 AM
Anyway, any suggestions are appreciated.

I would suggest going lighter. From what littler tournament experience I have it seems like all the tables were pretty scarce. The players are supposed to slaughter each other, so give them the opportunity to do that.

12-19-2017, 02:26 PM
At tournaments, the tables are usually sparse because the poor saps in charge of the tournament don't have enough scenery to set the tables up properly... it's meant to be a test of generalship, not whoever can win the first turn priority, then do an alpha-strike across the desert the hardest. :D