View Full Version : Anyone use Whirlwinds?

08-20-2010, 10:10 AM
Does anyone here use Whirlwinds? I like the model and it seems like a nice cheap fire support unit. I understand that survivability is an issue with AV11 and not great against MEQ, but against guard, orks, and nids I would expect the ordnance template to cause good damage. Just wanted some thoughts before I drop the cash on something that I'll never use.

08-20-2010, 11:29 AM
like preads and devs if left alone in the deployment enemy infaltrators will munch it however with some support itll survive ( a assault squad/ tacticals in a pod should do the trick or anything that can shoot fast)

what id do is buy it and magnetise the turret and make it a rhino/?razorback/whirlwind :)

08-20-2010, 02:12 PM
Back in the day I used to play a 10th company list! All Scouts lead by a Captain and a Chaplain with some Oh S#!T GK termie support and had 3 whirlwinds for fire support! They were fun to use especially when they hit ork truks and DE Raiders! Like was already mentioned I would get one or two and try em out and if you dont like em use em as Rhinos or tanks as previously mentioned.

Mycroft Holmes
08-20-2010, 02:56 PM
THey're increadibly useful against units with poor save and/or rely on cover saves.

Unfortunately, they're not so useful against units with 3+ or 2+ and don't need a cover save which are a significant majority of the armies you see.

For people who like to build "Take all comers" lists they're just not as consistently useful as you need them to be.


08-20-2010, 03:44 PM
Whirlwind's kinda suck. Not so much because they're ineffective or because their inefficient (they're not bad) but because they occupy a heavy slot which could be best filled by a Dev Squad, a Pred or a Vindi or even a land raider.

Just not worth it.

Mike X
08-20-2010, 06:38 PM
I almost always take a Whirlwind, they're especially good against Eldar, Orks and Tyranids. Against Marines, Necrons, or Chaos Marines, they're pretty worthless.

I'm starting to cut down on my use of a Predator now. Vindicators seem to be much better.

08-20-2010, 06:39 PM
Blackarmchair hit the nail on the head; the true problem with the Whirlwind is that each one takes a slot. At 85 points, the Whirlwind is a pretty cost-effective little tank. Don't expect it to kill much of anything but what it will do is force your oppenent to space out his forces, often sacrificing speed to avoid grouping models together at narrow choke points. The Whirlwind also earns its points as a support tank by pinning key units and with its Ordinance/Barrage launcher as whatever takes a pinning test from it takes it at -1 leadership. The Whirlwind can pin leaderless Space Marine combat squads like they are Tau Firewarriors.

I frequently use two Whirlwinds when I play at 1500 points and I'm usually glad that they are there. They always affect the game whether its in modifying your opponent's tactics or in stopping a deadly assault unit in its tracks. And when you play Orks, load up on Lascannons/Missile Launchers to pop their trukks and then drop a Castellan Incendiary Missile on the bunched up group of green-skins; this and with guard blown out of their Chimeras are the only two situations that Whirlwinds will straight make their points back, in addition to filling all of their support roles mentioned above.

08-21-2010, 02:02 AM
What sonic said.

I'm still of the opinion that a Dakka Pred can do the job better than a Whirlwind (but then my scatter die hasn't forgiven me for quitting IG yet).

Still any kind of obvious blast template will make certain armies think twice. I just take Vindicators and stop caring whether I'm shooting at orks or MEQs they die the same :)

08-21-2010, 03:03 AM
When I run marines, I always run a whirlwind in my list. I use two vindis and one Whirlwind. The Whirlwind is nice because against De/Tau/Eldar/Orks/basic Nids/IG you can do some serious damage, even if those units are in cover. The Marines are short of ranged large templates. It only costs 85 points so can easily get its points back by killing just one marine a turn in a six turn game. Whirlwinds can last because most do not see them as a threat.

The threat it represents can force opponents to change strategy. Yes MEQ's are very popular, but remember IG and soon DE are all the rage. For very few points you are building a better all comers list.

I would play with one and try it out. My 1850 list has 4 twin linked lazcannon Razorbacks, 2 vindis, and a whirlwind. That way there are six other vehicles that are very dangerous and my whirlwind is barely shot at.

08-23-2010, 10:05 AM
I'm still of the opinion that a Dakka Pred can do the job better than a Whirlwind (but then my scatter die hasn't forgiven me for quitting IG yet).

By Dakka Pred do you mean the standard Autocannon and side heavy bolters? I can see where vindicators and devastators would be better, but usually I will start with one or both of those and use a WW or Pred to round out my heavy support, in which case I might not have the points for a second vind or dev squad.

08-24-2010, 01:17 PM
Yes, I do mean an Autocannon/Heavy Bolter Predator. I agree with you that a vindicator at least is more versitile in that it pretty much doesn't care what it's target is. However, I was speaking of a valid replacement for a whirlwind as a light infantry killer.

08-27-2010, 12:03 PM
Depends on your overall setup I would say.

I like the whirlwind, but since it takes up a heavy support slot I havent got one yet(got two preds and a quad missile dev squad for focus on transports and monstrous creatures). I tend to equip with alot of flamers anyway so the whirlwinds particular advantage isnt that massive a loss for me anyway, I deal with the guys incover reasonably effectively.

But if you are heavy on the melta and assault termis and less on the flamers and preds then a whirlwind might be the perfect support for your forces. Depends on your lists overall setup, if you need something to flush those guys out of cover, or lay down mass wounds on hordes and you have a spare heavy support slot then a whirlwind is a great choice.

08-27-2010, 01:35 PM
I use the Thunder Fire Cannon with the Whirlwind and Dreadnought...with a squad of scouts with sniper rifles and Master of Forge, (see codex)to free up one heavy spot for my....whatever I need