View Full Version : Walkers, multiple assaults, and assault resolution.

08-20-2010, 10:01 AM
Hey guys, this one just came up in my last game and I honestly didn't know how to go about it.

My opponent had 1 squad and I assaulted him with 2 squads and a Walker.

We won the first round but he survived with one model and then in the next turn assaulted my mess of units that were locked in assault with another one of his squads.

This time around he won the combat by 3 wounds. He ended up killing one squad and all but one model in my other squad and the walker was still alive and kicking.

Being fearless, I would now have to take the 3 extra saves for the "No Retreat!" Rule.

The question is, how would this be allocated? Could I just cheese the rules and allocate the 3 rolls to the walker, thus negating them because walkers are immune to the "No Retreat!" rule. (page 73).

Or does my last remaining model have to take the rolls?

I really can't find anywhere that says what to do in this situation

08-20-2010, 10:46 AM
my understanding that every squad/unit of the losing side, involved with the combat took the -3 penalty whether this is no fear save of a -3 ;eadership test. A for the walker it is just stuck in the combat I beleive...

Sir Biscuit
08-20-2010, 10:48 AM
Correct. Nothing happens to a walker that is on the losing side of combat. EVERY other squad engaged either takes a leadership test at -3 or 3 No Retreat! wounds, whichever is applicable.

08-20-2010, 11:48 AM
wait, so in multiple combats... if you lose you take even more damage? Your loss gets multiplied? GW should be ashamed of a silly rule like that

08-20-2010, 02:13 PM
wait, so in multiple combats... if you lose you take even more damage? Your loss gets multiplied? GW should be ashamed of a silly rule like that

It has been like that for years now.

Are you new to 40k? :confused:

08-22-2010, 09:49 AM
What would you prefere? Take a few extra wounds if you lose your leadership OR the whole squad is whiped out?

08-22-2010, 01:31 PM
wait, so in multiple combats... if you lose you take even more damage? Your loss gets multiplied? GW should be ashamed of a silly rule like that

That's right, if you lose all your guys lose equally; you don't get to move the modifiers around so your loss doesn't effect you.

I think you're missing the point. You already got a force multiplier to try and win combat, but you didn't; and now it's coming back around on you.

If four squads are guardsman charge a single unit of space marines and lose; even with a significant penalty to leadership it's likely the one squad will still pass and hold the marines in place while the other three get to break off and regroup (and the marines can do nothing about it).
If your unit of marines gets charged by 3 mobs of 20 ork boyz and the marines still manage to win; then even after no-retreat wounds they are probably still outnumbered 3-1.