View Full Version : When Xenos/Chaos ruled the world

08-19-2010, 09:44 PM
I've been reading a lot about how people are upset by the recent power level and love from GW that Imperial armies have been getting, in the form of armies such as BA, SW, SM and IG. But isn't this kind of a balance or a cycle?

When I first got into the hobby during the last couple years of 4th, I remember Nidzilla, CSM, Eldar (with their new book) and Tau being top dogs on the table. Even Necrons were formidable at the time and when the new Ork dex dropped people said the sky was falling! As for the imperial side... The 4th ed SM dex was pretty lame, none of the other marines were really riding high either(maybe BT) and IG was played mostly by history nerds (like me:p), JWolf and current or ex military types.

So what I'm trying to say through this (slightly!) buzzed rambling is, maybe right now is the Imperial armies time in the sun and Xenos enjoyed a run of dominance in the not too distant past and I'm sure will be back on top with new updates so fear not! I'm actually planing an Ork army pretty soon myself because its still a damn good book with lots of fun and viable options!

What do you guys think? Am I on to something or talking out of my ***?

08-19-2010, 10:03 PM
I've been reading a lot about how people are upset by the recent power level and love from GW that Imperial armies have been getting, in the form of armies such as BA, SW, SM and IG. But isn't this kind of a balance or a cycle?

When I first got into the hobby during the last couple years of 4th, I remember Nidzilla, CSM, Eldar (with their new book) and Tau being top dogs on the table. Even Necrons were formidable at the time and when the new Ork dex dropped people said the sky was falling! As for the imperial side... The 4th ed SM dex was pretty lame, none of the other marines were really riding high either(maybe BT) and IG was played mostly by history nerds (like me:p), JWolf and current or ex military types.

So what I'm trying to say through this (slightly!) buzzed rambling is, maybe right now is the Imperial armies time in the sun and Xenos enjoyed a run of dominance in the not too distant past and I'm sure will be back on top with new updates so fear not! I'm actually planing an Ork army pretty soon myself because its still a damn good book with lots of fun and viable options!

What do you guys think? Am I on to something or talking out of my ***?

Definitely on to something. Most internet wargamers seem to have the long-term memory span of seventy year old junkie.

08-19-2010, 11:00 PM
I think things maybe tend to come and go in trends. I mean weren't SM (especially BA) monsters in 3rd ed with the infamous Rhino rush? Then took a back seat in 4th to Xenos and now are back rockin and rollin in 5th?

08-20-2010, 07:19 AM
I think the long term memory could use a refresh, but remember a lot of people who play this hobby are relativly new to it.

As for people complaining I can see a certain side to it. People bore of playing the same enemy all the time. In my experience over 50% of the opponents I face are a Marine variant. They making the most common army, and the best/most common starting army the best, so why would anyone want to diversify into a more challenging play style (Glass Cannons like so many of the Xeons races are).

If you're Iron Cannon army (same damage output, but tougher (labouring that analogy a bit there)) is easier to play (cos lets face it a 3+ save and a heap load of tanks makes it easier to play, and punishes your mistakes less) and gives more damage out than an army that require finesse and planning and punishes mistakes heavily why would you change outside of being a proper fan of the hobby?

People also cry cheese when they look at just numbers and not playstyles. A marine is roughly the same points as a Dire Avenger, but has better save, better gun, better T and S. They don't factor in how they play differently

Thats just my opinion. Which I can be glad to say i'm not, cos i started with an Eldar army.

08-20-2010, 09:38 AM
i started eldar and did ALL the wrong stuff so i moved to gk and BA (mererly cause i was looking at the paper dex and thought "COOL" :P) no im goin back and my old eldar are getting repainted :D