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View Full Version : Looking For Gamers

12-12-2017, 02:22 PM
Hey folk! We thought it would be a good idea to start a thread for those of us who are videogaming and looking for someone to pop in and join us.

Any time you want to plan a group gaming session online, or are trying to find someone to join you for a last minute session, feel free to pop in here and let everyone know what game and how to find you!!!

12-12-2017, 06:38 PM
I mostly play Diablo 3. Please feel free to add me on BNet, my tag is Katasion #1529.

I'm happy to help with Season Journey business, GR's, bounties... whatever :)

From 1/1/18 (soberness permitting) I can also help you with your Darkening of Tristram (https://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/21361560) event achievements. The event is time-limited, and some of the cheevos take a bit of work, so co-ordinating to get them done takes off a bit of the pressure.

Getting close to last call for the Tristram event and S12 stuff. Lemme know if I can help you out.